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Regarding 'Archaic' English


Well-Known Member
A great deal of deceit concerning the Scriptures can be found in the over 200 books that advocate a modern KJV-only view.
I would not consider myself to be a defender of books that defend a KJV only viewpoint. I do not read them. Neither do I join in fellowship with men or groups simply because they are KJV only. For instance I did not have to read Riplinger's book to know it was not for me because I know the ways of God that he does not use women to teach his doctrines any more than I believe limited atonement, as taught by others who claim they are the most spiritual teachers in the room, is the true gospel of God. Their books would not convince me of that. There is deceit everywhere and taking a KJV only, or other, position is not proof that one is spiritual. People sometimes have different reasons for their affiliations.

The reason, I think, the KJV is "only" in the English language is because the English are the believers and the preachers and the missionaries in this age. I think the language of the KJV is God's idea. God is not like everybody else. He is holy and separate from sinners and he says that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. He speaks differently from the world. He desires us to be holy and godly and peculiar. He is not trying to make us like the world, he is trying to make us like himself. He is one (1) God and he is peculiar when you are speaking of different gods men tends to worship. He is not like any of them.

Satan is rubbing out the holiness of God and it is reflected in the presentations of a worldly church. It looks like the world, talks like the world, has a long matted haired Jesus to worship, it sounds like the world, and it has enough Bibles to not be constrained by any of them. It is the time of hypocrites, posing as Christians while denying the true Christian faith and saturating the landscape with Bibles they encourage everyone to carry but not for the purpose of believing. This is a satanic doctrine and is proof of the great apostasy and the time and place these Bibles are showing up and the fruit they are producing in the world makes this undeniable. Paul said "let every one of you speak the same things" in a passage in which the context is how God translates his thoughts to be our thoughts through his own chosen words. We know the fruit of the translation committees is 100% different and we have more sects and isms than ever, you must agree that the wheel has run off. (Some say I am of Calvin, others, I am of Luther, etc)

It is insane when you think about it. But, I do believe from reading your position on the Christian faith that you have chosen your friends well.

Because there are no new revelations after the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, the words that were given through the first century apostles remains the same authority of God now as then and our works will be judged by those words if we are saved.

Thankfully, it is more important to encounter a faithful preacher of the gospel of God than a KJV Bible. You can hear the preacher but you must read the KJV. The KJV is not what God uses to save sinners, it is what he uses to teach saved people. The preacher is going to tell you how to be saved by telling you about the one who can save you, whether he has a copy of the scriptures on his person or not. The KJV is going to instruct you about God and how to live to please him after you are saved. Salvation is not dependent on having the scriptures but it is dependent on the word of God getting into your heart so it can convict your conscience and God says (and proves) that it gets there through the ears and not through the eyes. Faith is not by sight, it is by hearing. God could have saturated the earth with Bibles, but he did not choose that way. He gave one Bible so we can all speak the same things and has saturated the earth with Christians that have a commission to preach the word.

I like it!
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