Not Sure I agree...
That's just the point- ALL criticism is constructive. You just have to learn how to take it.
Mex...I'm not sure I can agree with the above emboldened part of your post. I have encountered people who criticize BECAUSE that is their nature and they mean it in a mean and destructive way. That said though I will agree that if the
hearer can objectively take something positive out of the critics "barbs" then that speaks volumes towards the nature and strength of HIS character.
As to my comments on pg.1 of this thread about my own resume, I have chosen to make it plain in the "personal information" section of my resume which I distribute both in person and on-line with internet job boards that I am a born-again Christian who attends church. In addition, in my personal contact information on that resume my personal Email address includes (in part)the screenname TrustingChrist. I make these things plain because I want people to know at least basically what I am UP FRONT. It is,however, up to me to live up to that. I know it is possible that putting that information out there in such a manner may limit some of the opportunities that come my way. As to the kind of possible discrimination brother Evangelist is talking about...well..if it happens, it happens. It should be no surprize in the world we find ourselves in today.
Companies that are hiring have every right to try and determine the nature of the people they are trying to hire and they are looking for people that will be a good "fit" for their companies goals and needs. We as Christians, should always try to be sensitive to how the Lord is leading us about the vocations we choose. There are opportunities (and the need) for some of us to be "shining lights in places of darkness" in the secular places of this world....and there are also opportunities for people to serve the Lord in full-time ministries in a Christian "environment". Some people are better equipped and suited for one or the other. Our "job" is to be dead to this flesh and filled with the Spirit and His fruits so that we can be a living display of the character of the Lord Jesus Christ regardless of where we go or what we do.:thumbsup: