Per the article, it does free the "innocent" party but the "innocent" party remarrying does not free the "guilty" party.
In this case (using @evangelist6589 's situation as he has given it to us here and per John Piper) @evangelist6589 would never be free to remarry (he is divorced in the eyes of the world but he is still obligated to his wife in the eyes of God). His wife could re-marry if @evangelist6589 remarries as hopes of reconciliation are lost as she is the victim in this situation (although @evangelist6589 may have been the victim on some accounts within the marriage, he became the offender when he divorced his wife on unbiblical grounds).
I think there comes a time when people need to move on in Christ by reconciling their past to God regardless as to how other people may view the issue.
Nope I was the victim of terrible abuse. I won't go into anymore details other than this.