July 24 2012 will go down in the history of The USA just as momenteous as May 17,1954 and January 22,1973. For you who are not aware of these dates these were Brown vs BOE Topeka Kansas and Roe vs Wade.Todays take over of a local PD however corrupt is unpresidented and will affect us far nore then either of the above happenings. Remember "I'm from the Federal Government and I am here to help". Talk about the fox guarding the hen-house. Make your blood boil? Well I should say. I remember the bumper strippers of the 50's and 60's SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE. I didn't pay much attention then. But I'm beggining to see the light.
Justice Dept/Eric Holder take control of New Orleans PD.
Justice Dept/Eric Holder take control of New Orleans PD.