They don't take people off by race. But they do for obesity.If we're dealing with pure survivability then I expect to see Samoans taken off the list as well due to their genetic makeup which causes obesity extremely often, yet something tells me they're probably still on donor lists.
I did read the rest of your comment and have thoughts, but I think everything hinges on impartiality in this case and this decision is clearly not impartial.
Their decision is not impartial. They are medical experts and have to manage these limited resources as best as possible.
Obesity, unvaccinated, tobacco use, age, overall health, drug use, infections....all of these come into play.
Individually it may not be fair to tell an obese man he is ineligible, or an unvaccinated woman she is ineligible. But it would not be fair to others who could use the organ either.
In the end they are picking those who have the best chance knowing those skipped may very well die. People wait 5+ years and many die waiting. We are talking about very limited resources.