What are your thoughts about many bases in the South being renamed:
What's in a name? Well, everything.
with BG (Ret.) Ty Seidule, Professor Emeritus of History, West Point & Vice-Chair, DOD Naming Commission
When the Department of Defense decided to examine the renaming of its bases in 2020, it turned to Brigadier General (Ret.) Ty Seidule to vice-chair its Naming Commission. Not only is BG (Ret.) Seidule Professor Emeritus of History at West Point Academy, but also a southerner. He grew up in awe of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, but eventually had to reevaluate who should be honored as a hero. Hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie. C. Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey sit down with BG (Ret.) Seidule to discuss the process of renaming military bases, the importance of history, and give shout-outs to a number of heroes that more people should be aware of.
Army Matters podcast header imageWhat's in a name? Well, everything.
with BG (Ret.) Ty Seidule, Professor Emeritus of History, West Point & Vice-Chair, DOD Naming Commission
When the Department of Defense decided to examine the renaming of its bases in 2020, it turned to Brigadier General (Ret.) Ty Seidule to vice-chair its Naming Commission. Not only is BG (Ret.) Seidule Professor Emeritus of History at West Point Academy, but also a southerner. He grew up in awe of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, but eventually had to reevaluate who should be honored as a hero. Hosts LTG (Ret.) Leslie. C. Smith and SMA (Ret.) Dan Dailey sit down with BG (Ret.) Seidule to discuss the process of renaming military bases, the importance of history, and give shout-outs to a number of heroes that more people should be aware of.