No...Palin is not another Huckabee. Huckabee is more geniune by far than Palin. Palin is so obviously fake that it sickens me to see so many people fall for her.
I think its the other way around. I like Sarah palin more than I do Mike Huckabee. Do take me the wrong way, I think Mike Huckabee is a good guy, but he's not as conservative as Palin is.
One thing that I totally frowned upon when Huckabee was governor of Arkansas was that any U.S. citizen that came from out of state to attend a college, had to pay out-of-state tuition fees. Foreign exchange students & non-citizens did not have to. I have a feeling that he is very weak on immigration issues.
Anytime Mr. Huckabee is asked a tough question head on, he won't tackle it. He'll use a humorous joke to sort of side step it. He's also too soft on his opponents.
If Huckabee got the nomination in 2008, I would have voted for him. I think he is 10 times more conservative than John McCain. I still believe that the Republican Party can do better than Mike Huckabee.
The thing I like about Sarah Palin is she is not afraid to speak up or speak out. Sometimes she might put her foot in her mouth, but at least she is heard when she speaks. The only downside is her lack of experience. The thing that I like about her is that she seems to be more like a regular person than a political figure. I think the liberal media has been extremely unfair to her. Has done everything they can do to cast major doubt on her ability to do the job.
Her leaving the governor spot did make her look bad & will hurt her chances. When the primaries roll around, if there is no one more conservative than she is, I'll vote for her. I think she would be awesome if she were paired up with Bobby Jindal (Louisiana's governor).