Breitbart News analyzed the Washington Post fact check column for all of 2015 and found that so far this year Republicans and their claims have been targeted twice as often as Democrats and their claims. A good faith search revealed that over almost four full months, Republicans (this includes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) were fact-checked a total of 32 times. Democrats were fact-checked only 16 times.
Fact checked claims also fell along the same 2-to-1 partisan line. Four claims from the left received fact checks, compared to nine from the right. A “claim” falls along the lines of Republicans claiming each household has a $15,000 regulatory burden, Obama issued 300 new rules in a single week, the cost of health care under ObamaCare, etc.
Fact checked claims also fell along the same 2-to-1 partisan line. Four claims from the left received fact checks, compared to nine from the right. A “claim” falls along the lines of Republicans claiming each household has a $15,000 regulatory burden, Obama issued 300 new rules in a single week, the cost of health care under ObamaCare, etc.