If a person is not willing for their taxes to be used to feed, educate, house and give medical care to children in need then they are not truly pro-life. Churches cannot do the job, indeed, many would not do the job even if they had the resources. Corporations certainly will not do the job unless they find a way to make profits from their efforts. For better or worse that leaves government.
You are not being honest, or rational. Nobody has said anything like what you are claiming.
I would rather my taxes go to help people in need than to kill people in wars. Money and the hording of money should not be our god. Not helping those in need should not be a tenet of the money god so many worship in our society.
Completely off-topic, incoherent, irrational rant.
Stick to one lie at a time. You are still trying to say those who do not vote democrat do not care for children. That is a lie, and you should stop it. You simply hate conservatives. All your lies point to that simple, unavoidable fact. You hate conservatives more than you love anything. Also, your pro-life stance is dubious, at best, as you cannot say Terry Marie Schiavo was murdered.
You also consent to this little girl's death, so your words are extremely hypocritical.
Why doesn't she deserve the same care you are demanding for others ? Why do you want her dead ?
No, you are NOT pro-life for the living.
The only answer you will allow is VOTE DEMOCRAT. Anything else, according to you, not only means we don't care for kids, but that we also reject Jesus.
You don't belong here, C.T.Boy. There is nothing Christian about you.