(Note: - this thread is being posted by me as a BB member - not as an Admin)
I have stated that we should show respect to others - ie not using slang names such as tRump, ect.
But my post is not about showing respect to an individual.
Often we are told we are to respect other religions. Well, it seems like a nice statement, whether it is PC or not.
Here is my thinking: - I do not respect the religion of Mormons, JW, RCC, Mulsims, and ect.
But I do respect the RIGHT of a person to believe and/or practice their religion - for the most part. (for example if a religion believe that a human baby needs to be physically sacrificed - that would have to be prevented)
I may not like the fact that the RCC will only sprinkle a candidate (even adults)
Thus I do not respect the fact that they do sprinkle. But I will respect their right to do so.
So a question- for this particular instance - if invited, would you attend the sprinkling ceremony for a new born baby? I would say- Thank you- but tactfully decline the invitation.
Do you think we overuse the word "Respect"? Do we try to be "neutral" by saying that we personally would not (fill in the blank)
If something is wrong - why do we think we must be part of it?
Do we know when to stand up for the truth? Are we willing to stand up for the Truth? IF the other party says they respect our right to believe different - then they should be willing to understand why we can not participate in such activities.
Lets take this to a different example: I would politely decline an invitation to a h0nosexu@l "wedding"
IF asked why we refused - what would we say- do we know what we would say.
We often know what we believe - but we may not know WHY we believe it.
Some would say that by doing so we must be guilty of h0mophobia. If that came up, I would first ask what is the definition of h0mophobia? Mr. Webster say: "irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against h0mosexu@ls" I would let them know that I do not have an irrational fear - but I cannot condone such actions, is it is immoral (probably would not say sin)
Now, how about a vegetarian ? Can I respect that belief?
In a strict sense - No, I do not respect that belief. But I can easily respect your right to be one.
What Mr. Webster says about respect:
3a: high or special regard : ESTEEM
b: the quality or state of being esteemed
respects plural : expressions of high or special regard
So what are your thoughts about respect?
I have stated that we should show respect to others - ie not using slang names such as tRump, ect.
But my post is not about showing respect to an individual.
Often we are told we are to respect other religions. Well, it seems like a nice statement, whether it is PC or not.
Here is my thinking: - I do not respect the religion of Mormons, JW, RCC, Mulsims, and ect.
But I do respect the RIGHT of a person to believe and/or practice their religion - for the most part. (for example if a religion believe that a human baby needs to be physically sacrificed - that would have to be prevented)
I may not like the fact that the RCC will only sprinkle a candidate (even adults)
Thus I do not respect the fact that they do sprinkle. But I will respect their right to do so.
So a question- for this particular instance - if invited, would you attend the sprinkling ceremony for a new born baby? I would say- Thank you- but tactfully decline the invitation.
Do you think we overuse the word "Respect"? Do we try to be "neutral" by saying that we personally would not (fill in the blank)
If something is wrong - why do we think we must be part of it?
Do we know when to stand up for the truth? Are we willing to stand up for the Truth? IF the other party says they respect our right to believe different - then they should be willing to understand why we can not participate in such activities.
Lets take this to a different example: I would politely decline an invitation to a h0nosexu@l "wedding"
IF asked why we refused - what would we say- do we know what we would say.
We often know what we believe - but we may not know WHY we believe it.
Some would say that by doing so we must be guilty of h0mophobia. If that came up, I would first ask what is the definition of h0mophobia? Mr. Webster say: "irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against h0mosexu@ls" I would let them know that I do not have an irrational fear - but I cannot condone such actions, is it is immoral (probably would not say sin)
Now, how about a vegetarian ? Can I respect that belief?
In a strict sense - No, I do not respect that belief. But I can easily respect your right to be one.
What Mr. Webster says about respect:
3a: high or special regard : ESTEEM
b: the quality or state of being esteemed
respects plural : expressions of high or special regard
So what are your thoughts about respect?
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