Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? Even in your cut and paste definition above (where you cut and pasted only the parts that suit you), the definition fits mine.
One part reads, "past participle stem of respondere "to respond""
What is a response for a corpse? Total Inability teaches that men are born unable to respond, yet you claim men are responsible even by this definition? HOW?
Men aren't responding in your system they are doing as programmed by their creator, period. Just own your system.
I quote from the Online Etymology Dictionary:
"respond (v.) c.1300, respound, from Old French respondere "respond, correspond," from Latin respondere "respond, answer to, promise in return," from re- "back" (see re-) + spondere "to pledge" (see spondee). Modern spelling and pronunciation is from c.1600. Related: Responded; responding"
If you will take note of the first root meaning of 'respond': 'answer to.'
Scripture promises all men will 'answer to' God on the Day of Reckoning.
Nowhere does it mean 'ability to achieve that which is commanded.'
I cannot help but encourage the Arminians and Pelagians on this Board to engage in biblical word studies.
There is much to be gained through such an endeavor.