I do not believe it is accurate to call someone responsible who is not able to respond.
According to the humanist theory of ‘response-able’ proposed by our Arminian colleagues the Lord could not possibly require, by law, that which man is not able to do.
Thus, if God demands the law of faith, man must be able to comply, the Arminian argues.
After all, the Arminians complied.
Let’s take this supposition into the earthly realm.
Do our laws take into consideration man’s ability to obey them?
Let’s take the example of the San Diego mayor who harassed numerous female associates.
His excuse: I couldn’t help myself. I have a sickness which I cannot control.
Was he excused because of his inability to behave himself?
Of course not.
And what about the traffic speeder who was speeding?
His excuse: I have a need for speed.
Is he excused because of his inability to control his need?
Of course not.
Then there is the case of the serial murderer.
His excuse: I was abused and beaten as a child. As a result I had an uncontrollable urge to kill.
Is he excused because of his inability to control his need to kill?
Of course not.
CONCLUSION: If compliance to the law depended on ability to comply, then God would have to lower His standards.
But God refuses to lower His standards.
Therefore, knowing the sinful nature of man and its deleterious effects, our Lord has graciously met His perfect standards in Jesus Christ.
He is both the just and justifier.
Those Elect for whom Christ was sent as a penal substitute are effectually blessed with all the spiritual gifts and power necessary to meet the high standards and conditions required for salvation.
Included in those divine gifts is the supernatural spiritual gift of faith whose object is the perfect work and person of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom God is well-pleased.
The ability to believe and to comply resides not in man naturally.
“ For it is God which worketh in you both to will [the will to believe]
and [the power]
to do of his good pleasure.”