1. That isn't all you said, you also wrote, "..when in fact faith is evidence of salvation," but Calvinistic scholars teach faith is evidence of being elected and effectually called...not saved.
I could care less about what "Calvinistic scholars" or "Arminian" scholars and what they say or don't say. The Word of God teaches clearly that quickening is inseparable from gospel faith as the direct and immediate work of God created in the heart. 1 John 5:1 correctly uses the state of being present tense verb "is" born of God to show simeltaneous action between the present participle "believeth" and the Perfect passive tense verb "born of God." Likewise, in Ephesians 2:8 the perfect passive tense verb "saved" which contextually is being used as a synonym for "quickened" (vv. 1, 5) refers to a completed action in the past that stands completed up to present time of writing and "through faith" had to occur simeltaneous with that completed action and IN THAT ACTION, not afterwards, not before, but at the time of that action, thus simeltaneous in time. It is that completed action through faith which is "NOT OF YOURSELF but is the gift of God" as it is "his workmanship CREATED in Christ Jesus."
Hence, the creation of faith in the heart IS QUICKENING which is INITIAL SALVATION as it is a direct and immediate work of God when the gospel is empowered by God as His creative word in the heart that removes ignorance that alienates the sinner from the life of God.