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Response to the Right Reverend H. Graham & His Followers

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Part 26: The Confession of Hawisia Moone of Lodden, 1430.

[N.B. The following text is from Selections From English Wycliffite Writings, Edited by Anne Hudson, 1997 edition. Mrs. Moone begins by acknowledging her crime of harboring, supporting and favoring several well-known ‘heretics’ in her house for the purpose of teaching others ‘heretical’ doctrines. She enumerates these doctrines. Modern translation is by this present writer.]

“First, that the sacrament of baptism done in water in the form accustomed by the [Roman] church is but a trifle of no importance and not to be pondered, for all of Christ’s people are sufficiently baptized in the blood of Christ. Christ’s people need no other baptism.

“Also, that the sacrament of confirmation performed by a bishop is of no avail and not necessary, for when a child has discretion, able to understand the Word of God, that, in and of itself, is sufficient confirmation by the Holy Ghost, and needs no other confirmation.

“Also, that confession should be made only to God and to no other, for no priest has the power to remit sin, nor to absolve a man of any sin. Also, that no man is bound to perform the penance enjoined by the priest to whom confession of sins was made. It is sufficient that the sinner abstains from said sin, whether lying, backbiting or evil deeds.

“Also, that no priest has the power to make the literal body of Christ from bread. After the sacramental words are spoken by the priest at Mass there remains only material bread.

“Also that the pope of Rome is Father Antichrist whose works are all fraudulent. He has no more power with God than any illiterate commoner, unless his life reflects biblical holiness. Nor does he have the power to ordain bishops, priests, or any other orders. And he that the people call the ‘pope of Rome’ is no pope, but a fraud and extortioner who deceives the people. Furthermore, all who live a most holy and perfect life are ‘popes.’

“And those religious who sing masses are no priests, though they be called such, but are lecherous and covetous men, deceivers who defraud the people. By their cunning teaching and preaching, singing and reading, they pillage the people of their goods. This they do without pity so they may sustain their pride, lechery, sloth and so many other vices…….

“Also, it is but a trifle to anoint a sick man with consecrated material oil, for it is sufficient that the man personally makes amends with God. Also, that every man may lawfully withhold tithes and offerings normally made to priests and curates by giving instead to the poor. That is more pleasing to God……..

“Also, that pilgrimages ought not be made, for they only serve to make priests, taverners and innkeepers merry, rich and prideful.

“Also, that no worship or reverence should be made to any image of the crucifix, Our Lady, or any other saint, for all such images are but idols, the works of men’s hands. These are not the image of God; human beings are the only image of God. [N.B. Many Lollards were against capital punishment because man was created in the image of God, and therefore human life should be respected, not destroyed.]

“Also, that prayer should be made to God alone, not to saints, for it is quite doubtful that these so-called ‘saints’ are actually in Heaven, though the church claims they hear and respond to our prayers and singing.

[N.B. The following quotes are from NORWICH HERESY TRIALS 1428-31; edited for the Royal Historical Society by Norman P. Tanner, 1977.]

John Skylly of Flyxton professed: “I held and affirmed and taught that the pope of Rome is Antichrist, and bishops and other prelates are disciples of Antichrist, and that the pope hath no power to bind or loose.”

John Godesell professed, “the Pope is Antichrist, and the head of the dragon mentioned in Scriptures and the bishops and other prelates of the Church are followers of Antichrist, the mendicant orders the tail of the dragon.”

John Reve of Becles professed: “The pope of Rome is Antichrist and hath no power of God to bind nor to lose as Peter had, for he followeth not Peter’s holy conversation and living.”

John Skylan of Bergh professed: “There was never a pope after the death of Peter. He that is called pope of Rome is father Antichrist, false and cursed in all his working, falsely and subtly under the pretense of holiness deceiving the people to gain wealth…..All persons of the [Roman] Church, from the highest to the lowest, and all their teaching and preaching, whose goal is to enslave, are false, cursed and lies. Their priests are ordained that they may beguile and deceive the people to gain wealth, in addition to maintaining their pride, sloth and lechery.”

William Hardy of Mundham professed: “No worship nor reverence is due any images of the crucifix, neither of Our Lady St. Mary, or any other saint, for the sign of the cross is the sign of Antichrist. There is no more reverence owed the cross than owed the gallows upon which men are hanged.”

Edmund Archer of Lodne professed: “I held, believed and affirmed that no manner of worship should be made any images of the crucifix, Our Lady St. Mary, or any other saint, especially to images of Christ’s cross, for every such cross is the sign and token [read ‘mark’] of Antichrist.”

NEXT: Some Common Sense Observations.

Matthew 10

25“It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign the members of his household!

We just call Protestant's church brothers and sisters.

So if the shoe fits.


Active Member
I agree that "mystery, Babylon" is continued in the RCC. Satan is tricky! He knows that today, most people won't worship what they know is an idol, so he presents a new form of idol, disguised as new doctrines & beliefs, which are actually the old falsehoods in a new wrapper. Yes, the RCC has adopted many of the old "mystery, Babylon's" practices!

They have replaced Semiramis as "queena hevvin" with Mary! She NEVER claimed to be anyone special, and nowhere in Scripture was she appointed "co-mediatrix" with Jesus., nor was she shown to be a perpetual virgin! According to Scripture, she bore at least 6 other children!

They believe in purgatory, as the MB people did.
They practice indulgences, same as MBers did-go out & sin all week, buy forgiveness on Friday!
They believe in prayers to the dead, as did the MBers, including many jewish women, who wept over Tammuz, as well as prayed to him. Actually, such prayers don't get past the ceiling.
The evil practice of celibate clergy came from the MB's temple virgins. The RCC expanded it to the male clergy. (Never mind that several popes were married!)
They created the offices of pope & cardinal, corresponding to the big kahoona, Nimrod, in MB, & his special assistants.

While there some RCs saved, despite their church, it's generally the exception, not the rule.

That would be "CO-REDEMPTRIX" that certain Catholics seek to give her the title of, not Co - Mediatrix. Two different meanings. We are all mediators between men and Christ, and Christ is the ONLY MEDIATOR between GOD THE FATHER and men. We who are TRUE Christians no that. We seek to bring men to their reconciliation (Christ) , before God. Maybe you should look up what mediator means: MEDIATOR
a person who attempts to make people involved in a conflict come to an agreement; a go-between.arbitrator, arbiter, negotiator, conciliator, go-between, middleman, intermediary, moderator, intervenor, interceder, intercessor, reconciler, broker, honest broker, liaison officer, peacemaker, umpire, referee, adjudicator, judge

As Christians, we are all this, as co-workers in God's harvest, men are the field , we plant the seeds and God gives the growth. No Mother Mary did not give herself glory God esteemed her, and did unto her a mighty work! If there is anything true for Catholics it is not Only their Christ and Savior but His CHOSEN MOTHER to whom the TRUE Catholic Christians cling to as mother while all the rest have The Harlot Mother. You better be perfect yourself before you go trying to cast specks out of men's eyes.

It is clear you have no clue what is going on with God sending Mother Mary to the little ones of the Catholic church. You..... an offshoot of the Harlotry of the Catholic church are too her offspring, because you do as she does against the Word, you disobey IT!It is a fact that Mother Mary is the Mother not only to the Head but the body. You too think you can cut off what is clearly chosen by the God Head to be the mother to all BORN AGAIN in Christ. In Christ's birth all are Born. She birthed all in His birth. She FIRST was HOLY SANCTIFIED at the ANNUNCIATION . PROVE THAT FALSE! If you are a true student of scripture you would seek to simply test all doctrines and make it a mission to know what is truth and what is not.

Your deliberate BLINDNESS is not ignorance but PRIDE. It is not difficult to find truth. And NEWS FLASH the Roman Catholic Church simply compiled what already existed among other smaller assemblies. Nothing MORE and nothing less. Before the Roman Catholic Church and its offshoot (You and the Like) there were many Jewish and gentile believers not in the Western hemisphere and eastern Europe. She is not the Mother of all harlots for no reason.This would require love to understand. As much as you want to BASH Mother Mary's care for the Male Child( Christ) within , you will never succeed in removing her from her Grace and the throne gained and Crown in which she is crowned with for ETERNITY , MOTHER TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE ALIVE in Christ. You do yourself a disservice . But what else can be expected from a child of a Harlot. Good thing the Redeemed have God's name upon their foreheads and know all truth. All the walls will come a tumbling down and mother Mary has taken under her mantle ( according to Her gifts in Grace God has given her) those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. To them she says " DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU". No where in scripture does He say anything other than to esteem one another and that goes for her too. For she and all who labored for when she brought forth the God man. And she and all who are above us as first church are to be esteemed for their work.

You and the like are the only ones whose prayers do not get pass the ceiling (your pride). You do not know the scriptures, you are filled with the smoke of satan. Nothing but the odor of sulphur. For anyone who would seek to dishonor a dignity of God, does as satan does and stands as an accuser! That old dragon has many souls and they stand before Christ chosen Mother, the TRUE Body of Christ, and Israel. You who are not even the original tree, or original branch dare even say you have God's ear in love and faith when you deny the SAINTS authority in Christ over the believers on earth? Like the Harlot in her conceit, you too are cut off. You and the Harlot have done that to yourselves for not listening to Christ's Mother's Command "Do whatever He tells you" (Wedding Feast of Canaan) . The Wedding feast has been going on since Christ instituted it. At the end of it, which symbolizes the End of the age, the Best Wine will be served up. The bride and Bridegroom have been her from the time He first came and she THE CHURCH came to be. The End time Elect are sister Church to the first. And you are not it FIRST or SISTER to the first.
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Active Member
That would be "CO-REDEMPTRIX" that certain Catholics seek to give her the title of, not Co - Mediatrix. Two different meanings. We are all mediators between men and Christ, and Christ is the ONLY MEDIATOR between GOD THE FATHER and men. We who are TRUE Christians know that. We seek to bring men to their reconciliation (Christ) , before God. Maybe you should look up what mediator means: MEDIATOR
a person who attempts to make people involved in a conflict come to an agreement; a go-between.arbitrator, arbiter, negotiator, conciliator, go-between, middleman, intermediary, moderator, intervenor, interceder, intercessor, reconciler, broker, honest broker, liaison officer, peacemaker, umpire, referee, adjudicator, judge

As Christians, we are all this, as co-workers in God's harvest, men are the field , we plant the seeds and God gives the growth. No Mother Mary did not give herself glory God esteemed her, and did unto her a mighty work! If there is anything true for Catholics it is not Only their Christ and Savior but His CHOSEN MOTHER to whom the TRUE Catholic Christians cling to as mother while all the rest have The Harlot Mother. You better be perfect yourself before you go trying to cast specks out of men's eyes.

It is clear you have no clue what is going on with God sending Mother Mary to the little ones of the Catholic church. You..... an offshoot of the Harlotry of the Catholic church are too her offspring, because you do as she does against the Word, you disobey IT!It is a fact that Mother Mary is the Mother not only to the Head but the body. You too think you can cut off what is clearly chosen by the God Head to be the mother to all BORN AGAIN in Christ. In Christ's birth all are Born. She birthed all in His birth. She FIRST was HOLY SANCTIFIED at the ANNUNCIATION . PROVE THAT FALSE! If you are a true student of scripture you would seek to simply test all doctrines and make it a mission to know what is truth and what is not.

Your deliberate BLINDNESS is not ignorance but PRIDE. It is not difficult to find truth. And NEWS FLASH the Roman Catholic Church simply compiled what already existed among other smaller assemblies. Nothing MORE and nothing less. Before the Roman Catholic Church and its offshoot (You and the Like) there were many Jewish and gentile believers not in the Western hemisphere and eastern Europe. She is not the Mother of all harlots(The catholic church) for no reason.

This would require love to understand. As much as you want to BASH Mother Mary's care for the Male Child( Christ) within , you will never succeed in removing her from her Grace and the throne gained and Crown in which she is crowned with for ETERNITY , MOTHER TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE ALIVE in Christ. You do yourself a disservice . But what else can be expected from a child of a Harlot. Good thing the Redeemed have God's name upon their foreheads and know all truth. All the walls will come a tumbling down and mother Mary has taken under her mantle ( according to Her gifts in Grace God has given her) those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. To them she says " DO WHATEVER HE TELLS YOU". No where in scripture does He say anything other than to esteem one another and that goes for her too. For she labored for all when she brought forth the God man. And she and all who are above us as first church are to be esteemed for their work.

You and the like are the only ones whose prayers do not get pass the ceiling (your pride). You do not know the scriptures, you are filled with the smoke of satan. Nothing but the odor of sulphur. For anyone who would seek to dishonor a dignity of God, does as satan does and stands as an accuser! That old dragon has many souls and they stand before Christ's chosen Mother, the TRUE Body of Christ, and Israel. You, who are not even the original tree, or original branch how dare you even say you have God's ear in love and faith when you deny the SAINTS authority in Christ over the believers on earth? Like the Harlot in her conceit, you too are cut off. You and the Harlot have done that to yourselves for not listening to Christ's Mother's Command "Do whatever He tells you" (Wedding Feast of Canaan) . The Wedding feast has been going on since Christ instituted it. At the end of it, which symbolizes the End of the age, the Best Wine will be served up. The bride and Bridegroom have been here from the time He first came and she THE CHURCH came to be, 'I am with you even to the consumption of the world"The End time Elect are sister Church to the first. And you are not it "FIRST" or "SISTER" to the first. But those Catholics called out "Come out of her "MY PEOPLE" get it ?...... MY PEOPLE, they are HIS people. Not called out from TRUTH but from the INFLUENCE of those who choose infidelity from the Word. And it is not because of honoring Mother Mary and believing in her position but not OBEYING all she commands toward her Son, which her unaltered messages truly mean. If she did not protect a certain of the Catholic denomination with her messages all would be lost. You do not have access to the unaltered messages for a reason.:Wink
God is good! "I know mine and mine know me" Those who know Christ TRULY know Mother Mary was at the establishment of the first Church and her role is preserved from generation to generation by those who LOVE GOD. Fake adoration by phony Popes and men with titles is just that ,phony! "They flatter me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me". Just like you who cry "SOLA SCRIPTURA" yet deny what the scriptures say about Mother Mary and all the saints who gained their crown and received what Christ laid hold of them to accomplish. You reject any TRUTH about His mother because it does not fit your narrative . THEY REIGN IN HEAVEN THROUGH CHRIST, not themselves. The dragon will be cast down and so will all those who stand against the WHOLE CHURCH IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH. Sorry for you and your nonsense but ,THEY have ran their race and WON and have THEIR GOD APPOINTED ROLES( BY GOD hello!). And those destined to be saints on earth racing toward that crown know we are to honor them.They are not dead for no one dies in Christ.

I will "Let the dead bury the dead" such as you and all those with your false doctrine.
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Mother Miryam (Mary) is Christ's REVERB, she is his first work in Christianity as Wisdom was God's first work in Creation. On earth as it is in heaven. All that which is to be a reflection of that in heaven has to follow suit on earth. She is His echo affect who magnifies the Lord. Her spirit rejoices in God her Savior. She calls God her savior because He came down as Christ the second part of who God is. She is the reverb of His heart.


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To be like Jesus!/This hope possesses me,/In every thought and deed,/This is my aim, my creed;
To be like Jesus!/This hope possesses me,/His Spirit helping me,/Like him I'll be. (Gowans & Larsson)

To Be Like Jesus - Rebecca Howan & Joel Millington (Live at Congress 2016)

Is one like Jesus if he rejects His Mother? Would Jesus reject His elect mother? Let's see what misinterpreted scriptures will be applied.
who has rejected His mother? You sir do not seem to obey her - she said to do whatver He tells you.

He said
love one another - not spew venom upon them for a false claim.

We love Mary as she is the most favored woman to walk upon the earth bearing in her virgin womb the Holy Son of God then raising Him to His manhood.

You sir owe us (At least me) an apology. Shame on you.
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Active Member
I will not apologize for defending the mother of the living. If words spoken came upon you then it is God's judgement. I did not mention you by name sir. And since I am judged by no man the shame is not upon me. I have read enough threads in here that go off the rails once the harlot bashing ensues so does the maligning of Mother Mary's position and denial of her position so don't act surprised by my response. Satan has succeeded in getting men to attack any honoring of her because of men who malign. If you have changed your position on this then good for you. But still yet, I did not address you personally, if you are not on board with robycop then who is the "us" you demand an apology to? Do you take the Mother of Christ as your mother Hank D?


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I will not apologize for defending the mother of the living. If words spoken came upon you then it is God's judgement. I did not mention you by name sir. And since I am judged by no man the shame is not upon me. I have read enough threads in here that go off the rails once the harlot bashing ensues so does the maligning of Mother Mary's position and denial of her position so don't act surprised by my response. Satan has succeeded in getting men to attack any honoring of her because of men who malign. If you have changed your position on this then good for you. But still yet, I did not address you personally, if you are not on board with robycop then who is the "us" you demand an apology to? Do you take the Mother of Christ as your mother Hank D?
Yes, but I don't pray to or worship her as Deity.
Jesus Christ has come in the flesh through the Virgin womb of Mary His mother.
What position is it that I have changed that you mentioned above?
there seems a bad attitude about you.
The fruit you bear,It seems unusual (as scripture says) :

James 3
8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.
10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.

Where you apparently assume (perhaps, and I hope, I am wrong) that we Baptist hate Mary the mother of Our Lord and pour out hateful words against us in a shotgun manner then claiming that you are not to be judged

yet you yourself have judged us as a kind of Grand Inquisitor.



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Yes, but I don't pray to or worship her as Deity.
Jesus Christ has come in the flesh through the Virgin womb of Mary His mother.
What position is it that I have changed that you mentioned above?
there seems a bad attitude about you.
The fruit you bear,It seems unusual (as scripture says) :

James 3
8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.
10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.

Where you apparently assume (perhaps, and I hope, I am wrong) that we Baptist hate Mary the mother of Our Lord and pour out hateful words against us in a shotgun manner then claiming that you are not to be judged

yet you yourself have judged us as a kind of Grand Inquisitor.

Kindly show us where in the Catechism of the Catholic Church is the instruction for Catholics to worship Mary? You know it is not there. You believe those faithful departed are 'dead in Christ', we believe they are 'alive in Christ'.
The Book of Revelation gives us a description of this communication between heaven and earth:

The twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints … the elders fell down and worshipped Rev. 5:8-14.

These “elders” are offering the prayers of the faithful symbolized by incense filtering upward from the earth to heaven. And because they are seen receiving these prayers, we can reasonably conclude they were both directed to these saints in heaven and that they were initiated by the faithful living on earth. We also see this same phenomenon being performed by the angels in Revelation 8:3-4:

'And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God.'

The bottom line is this: Both the faithful on earth and our brothers and sisters in heaven are all acting just as Catholics would expect. Believers on earth are initiating prayers which the saints and angels in heaven are receiving. Is this the necromancy condemned in Deuteronomy and Isaiah? Absolutely not! This is New Testament Christianity.

And, Hank, I have challenged you to visit the author of this garbage thread's website ICONBUSTERS - WELCOME to see what true HATRED and BIGOTRY looks like, but you end up labeling OfLivingWaters as being uncharitable? Take a moment and check his website out, Hank. Click on the 'False Prophets' link and see who Protestant slanders. Have you noticed the OP has not debated or answered one poster in six pages of anti-Catholic garbage? This is something that BB said it wouldn't abide, but here we are with a clear example of 'any enemy of my enemy is my friend'.
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Active Member
Yes, but I don't pray to or worship her as Deity.
Jesus Christ has come in the flesh through the Virgin womb of Mary His mother.
What position is it that I have changed that you mentioned above?
there seems a bad attitude about you.
The fruit you bear,It seems unusual (as scripture says) :

James 3
8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.
10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.
11 Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?
12 Can the fig tree, my brethren, bear olive berries? either a vine, figs? so can no fountain both yield salt water and fresh.

Where you apparently assume (perhaps, and I hope, I am wrong) that we Baptist hate Mary the mother of Our Lord and pour out hateful words against us in a shotgun manner then claiming that you are not to be judged

yet you yourself have judged us as a kind of Grand Inquisitor.
This is not complicated. If we are the temple of the living God, then God is who dwells within. According to designation, each has his or her own gifts . According to their instrumentality, God expresses Himself through them in different ways. When we VENERATE,. ESTEEM ( which venerate also means) we are praising the glory of God within them. As adopted sons and daughters of God the Father through God the Son, we inherit a portion of the promise. Each of us collectively holds a piece of that promise because each of us holds a piece of God within us. Fulfilling further so forth and so on ( Emmanuel- God is with us.)
God is Omnipresent that is why I say a piece. The Holy Spirit is the mutual love between God the Father and God the Son and we are grafted into that by being holy anointed through Christ. According to that love we have God the Holy Spirit.

Individually each of us has a song, collectively we are an orchestra.

Christ fulfills what is written in the Law.
The Unbelief of the Jews
…33“We are not stoning You for any good work,” said the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because You, who are a man, declare Yourself to be God.” 34Jesus replied, “Is it not written in your Law: ‘I have said you are gods’? 35If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and the Scripture cannot be broken—…

We to whom the Word of God has come are demi in Christ. That is why the "g" is lower case in both the John and Psalm revelation. It does not mean we are GOD but each of us holds a demi =a small piece of God within . Demi 1.
  1. a being with partial or lesser divine status, such as a minor deity, the offspring of a god and a mortal, or a mortal raised to divine rank.
  2. a man who is greatly admired or respected.
This has happened through Christ. NO ONE OUTSIDE OF CHRIST is given such a divine rank. Hence why we are above all other knowledge in the world.
In Christ is the fulfillment of Psalm 82:
God Presides in the Divine Assembly
…5They do not know or understand; they wander in the darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. 6I have said, “You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High. 7But like mortals you will die, and like rulers you will fall.”…

You are acting as the disbelieving Jews did when they heard Christ uphold the Law.5They do not know or understand; they wander in the darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
Why because you wander around in darkness, therefore, are shaken when you hear " 6I have said, “You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.

We as the chosen elect reign in Christ and are part of a Divine assembly. In your hardness of heart you prove that you do not hold the Word of God within. " To whom the WORD OF GOD HAS COME, that means has been received within your heart. It is just this simple , is Mother Mary a "god' lower case -meaning demi in Christ? Well did the Word of God come to her? Did she obey ? Yes! Therefore , she has earned through Grace to be venerated and called upon to ask for prayer and intercession in the Divine assemblies lives. The Apostles too and the 12 elders of the OC and father Abraham , Jacob , and Isaac .

Now maybe you get "Fullness of Deity":Thumbsup! It means that through Jesus Christ is the fullness of all who will be called Son's of the Most High. God has said it, and the scriptures can not be broken. If you have a problem with such a grace and honor in Christ then Christianity is not for you! If you can not deal with the Truth that the Elect are lower case "gods" in Christ who is the GOD HEAD over all the demi, that is your problem.

So what is clear is, many think they have had the Word of God come to them =( enter their heart) but in actuality they have not, they have rather, heard the Word but have not obeyed. That is why Mother Mary and anyone for that matter is blessed, they hear the Word of God and keep it. They believe and do not question God. And most importantly they do not denounce the authority of God in another. We are called to out do ourselves in honoring one another. You people out do yourselves in self adoration. I say self adoration because you teach a false man made doctrine which denies the Divine assemblies authority above the worldly. So in essence , you are worldly.
1 John 3:1-2
Children of God
1Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. 2Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.…

Christ teaches : "God is the God of the living , not the dead.

Mark 12:26
The Sadducees and the Resurrection
…26But concerning the dead rising, have you not read about the burning bush in the Book of Moses, how God told him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? 27He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!”

So how can you or anyone say we WHO HAVE THE WORD OF GOD WITHIN pray to the dead? It is clear that in God you do not perish. You are eternal as the Father is eternal. Your flesh will be resurrected to eternal life ,not because the soul is dead (To love-THE HOLY SPIRIT) but ALIVE ! The Holy Spirit posses all the Living. Hell possess all those dead to God's love.
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This is not complicated. If we are the temple of the living God, then God is who dwells within. According to designation, each has his or her own gifts . According to their instrumentality, God expresses Himself through them in different ways. When we VENERATE,. ESTEEM ( which venerate also means) we are praising the glory of God within them. As adopted sons and daughters of God the Father through God the Son, we inherit a portion of the promise. Each of us collectively hold a piece of that promise because each of us holds a piece of God within us. Fulfilling further so forth and so on ( Emmanuel- God is with us.)
God is Omnipresent that is why I say a piece. The Holy Spirit is the mutual love between God the Father and God the Son and we are grafted into that by being holy anointed through Christ. According to that love we have God the Holy Spirit.

Individually each of us has a song, collectively we are an orchestra.

Christ fulfills what is written in the Law.
The Unbelief of the Jews
…33“We are not stoning You for any good work,” said the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because You, who are a man, declare Yourself to be God.” 34Jesus replied, “Is it not written in your Law: ‘I have said you are gods’? 35If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and the Scripture cannot be broken—…

We to whom the Word of God has come are demi in Christ. That is why the "g" is lower case in both the John and Psalm revelation. It does not mean we are GOD but each of us holds a demi =a small piece of God within . Demi 1.
  1. a being with partial or lesser divine status, such as a minor deity, the offspring of a god and a mortal, or a mortal raised to divine rank.
  2. a man who is greatly admired or respected.
This has happened through Christ. NO ONE OUTSIDE OF CHRIST is given such a divine rank. hence why we are above all other knowledge in the world.
In Christ is the fulfillment of Psalm 82:
God Presides in the Divine Assembly
…5They do not know or understand; they wander in the darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. 6I have said, “You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High. 7But like mortals you will die, and like rulers you will fall.”…

You are acting as the disbelieving Jews did when they heard Christ uphold the Law.5They do not know or understand; they wander in the darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.
Why because you wander around in darkness, therefore, are shaken when you hear " 6I have said, “You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.

We as the chosen elect reign in Christ and are part of a Divine assembly. In you hardness of heart you prove that you do not hold the Word of God within. " To whom the WORD OF GOD HAS COME, that means has been received within your heart. It is just this simple , is Mother Mary a "god' lower case -meaning demi in Christ? Well did the Word of God come to her? Did she obey ? Yes! Therefore , she has earned through Grace to be venerated and called upon to ask for prayer and intercession in the Divine assemblies lives. The Apostles too and the 12 elders of the OC and father Abraham , Jacob , and Isaac .

Now maybe you get "Fullness of Deity":Thumbsup! It means that through Jesus Christ is the fullness of all who will be called Son's of the Most High. God has said it, and the scriptures can not be broken. If you have a problem with such a grace and honor in Christ then Christianity is not for you! If you can deal with the Truth that the Elect are lower case "gods" in Christ who is the GOD HEAD over all the demi, that is your problem.

So what is clear is, many think they have had the Word of God come to them =( enter their heart) but in actuality they have not, they have rather have heard the Word but have not obeyed. that is why Mother Mary and anyone for that matter is blessed, they hear the Word of God and keep it. They believe and do not question God. And most imprtantly they do not denounce the authority of God in another. we are called to out do ourselves in honoring one another. You people out do yourselves in self adoration. OI say self adoration because you teach a false man made doctrine which denies the Divine assemblies authority above the worldly. so in essence , you are worldly.
1 John 3:1-2
Children of God
1Behold what manner of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him. 2Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.…

Christ teaches : "God is the God of the living , not the dead.

Mark 12:26
The Sadducees and the Resurrection
…26But concerning the dead rising, have you not read about the burning bush in the Book of Moses, how God told him, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? 27He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!”

So how can you or anyone say we WHO HAVE THE WORD OF GOD WITHIN pray to the dead? It is clear that in God you do not perish. You are eternal as the Father is eternal. Your flesh will be resurrected to eternal life ,not because the soul is dead (To love-THE HOLY SPIRIT) but ALIVE ! The Holy Spirit posses all the Living. Hell possess all those dead to God's love.



Active Member
From your lips to God's ears. I guess you will find out how that will turn out for you. SOLA SCRIPTURA , scripture alone has judged you. I can say that because I do not say it in vain. My heart is not far from Him therefore, my lips SINCERELY Praise His will and Holy name. Emmanuel (God is with me). If God is for me who can be against me.

You could not have read my post #110 completely. There were some tweaks immediately upon posting . Go back and read. You will not win against the Word of God, no wonder you sigh.:Whistling


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From your lips to God's ears. I guess you will find out how that will turn out for you. SOLA SCRIPTURA , scripture alone has judged you. I can say that because I do not say it in vain. My heart is not far from Him therefore, my lips SINCERELY Praise His will and Holy name. Emmanuel (God is with me). If God is for me who can be against me.

You could not have read my post #110 completely. There were some tweaks immediately upon posting . Go back and read. You will not win against the Word of God, no wonder you sigh.:Whistling
Blessings to you


Active Member
Psalm 141 4-6 Come Quickly to Me
…4Do not let my heart be drawn to any evil thing or take part in works of wickedness with men who do iniquity; let me not feast on their delicacies. 5Let the righteous man strike me; let his rebuke be an act of loving devotion. It is oil for my head; let me not refuse it. For my prayer is ever against the deeds of the wicked. 6When their rulers are thrown from the cliffs, the people will listen to my words, for they are pleasant.…
Blessings to you
Which is Hank D, a sigh at God's Word, or a Blessing to me for using it?
James 3:
Taming the Tongue

1Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to control his whole body.

3When we put bits into the mouths of the horses to make them obey us, we can guide the whole animal. 4Consider ships as well. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot is inclined.

5In the same way, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it boasts of great things. Consider how small a spark sets a great forest ablaze. 6The tongue also is a fire, a world of wickedness among the parts of the body. It pollutes the whole person, sets the course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

7All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, 8but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

9With the tongue we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, this should not be! 11Can both fresh water and salt water flowa from the same spring? 12My brothers, can a fig tree grow olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

The Wisdom from Above

13Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good conduct, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14But if you harbor in your hearts bitter jealousy and selfish ambition, do not boast in it or deny the truth. 15Such wisdom does not come from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every evil practice.

17But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, accommodating, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. 18Peacemakers who sow in peace reap the fruit of righteousness.

What do you believe Hank? Do you accept the truth I have spoken according to the will of God which moves me or do you sigh at it?

Is a sigh a blessing? NO!
Are you jealous of what the Divine assembly receives? Will you continue to cling to a false doctrine or let it go and apply what I have stated in truth leaning on the Beloved? Do you choose to stand on His promises or the false doctrines of men? Worldly or Divine.....what is it Hank D?


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Psalm 141 4-6 Come Quickly to Me
…4Do not let my heart be drawn to any evil thing or take part in works of wickedness with men who do iniquity; let me not feast on their delicacies. 5Let the righteous man strike me; let his rebuke be an act of loving devotion. It is oil for my head; let me not refuse it. For my prayer is ever against the deeds of the wicked. 6When their rulers are thrown from the cliffs, the people will listen to my words, for they are pleasant.…

Which is Hank D, a sigh at God's Word, or a Blessing to me for using it?
James 3:
Taming the Tongue

1Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. 2We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to control his whole body.

3When we put bits into the mouths of the horses to make them obey us, we can guide the whole animal. 4Consider ships as well. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot is inclined.

5In the same way, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it boasts of great things. Consider how small a spark sets a great forest ablaze. 6The tongue also is a fire, a world of wickedness among the parts of the body. It pollutes the whole person, sets the course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

7All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, and creatures of the sea are being tamed and have been tamed by man, 8but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

9With the tongue we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, this should not be! 11Can both fresh water and salt water flowa from the same spring? 12My brothers, can a fig tree grow olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.

The Wisdom from Above

13Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good conduct, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. 14But if you harbor in your hearts bitter jealousy and selfish ambition, do not boast in it or deny the truth. 15Such wisdom does not come from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. 16For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every evil practice.

17But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, accommodating, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. 18Peacemakers who sow in peace reap the fruit of righteousness.

What do you believe Hank? Do you accept the truth I have spoken according to the will of God which moves me or do you sigh at it?

Is a sigh a blessing? NO!
Are you jealous of what the Divine assembly receives? Will you continue to cling to a false doctrine or let it go and apply what I have stated in truth leaning on the Beloved? Do you choose to stand on His promises or the false doctrines of men? Worldly or Divine.....what is it Hank D?
A blessing, truly


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Hank are you on the right channel? I don't see why anyone would have any beef with you. I looking through the thread thinking, wrong place wrong time?
Uh, LW didn't like my criticism - It doesn't matter.


Active Member
Uh, LW didn't like my criticism - It doesn't matter.
No actually , you did not like my come back at robycop and this smack thread. You therefore chimed in stating how personally offended you were by what I said. Your criticism was neither here nor there to me. Not an ounce of it was motivated by truth.

Your offense is what I addressed.


Active Member
Hank are you on the right channel? I don't see why anyone would have any beef with you. I looking through the thread thinking, wrong place wrong time?
No beef here. Switch bate is not appreciated. And a correction......... Hank had a beef with me and decided this was a channel he was interested in responding to.


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No actually , you did not like my come back at robycop and this smack thread. You therefore chimed in stating how personally offended you were by what I said. Your criticism was neither here nor there to me. Not an ounce of it was motivated by truth.

Your offense is what I addressed.
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