Part 26: The Confession of Hawisia Moone of Lodden, 1430.
[N.B. The following text is from Selections From English Wycliffite Writings, Edited by Anne Hudson, 1997 edition. Mrs. Moone begins by acknowledging her crime of harboring, supporting and favoring several well-known ‘heretics’ in her house for the purpose of teaching others ‘heretical’ doctrines. She enumerates these doctrines. Modern translation is by this present writer.]
“First, that the sacrament of baptism done in water in the form accustomed by the [Roman] church is but a trifle of no importance and not to be pondered, for all of Christ’s people are sufficiently baptized in the blood of Christ. Christ’s people need no other baptism.
“Also, that the sacrament of confirmation performed by a bishop is of no avail and not necessary, for when a child has discretion, able to understand the Word of God, that, in and of itself, is sufficient confirmation by the Holy Ghost, and needs no other confirmation.
“Also, that confession should be made only to God and to no other, for no priest has the power to remit sin, nor to absolve a man of any sin. Also, that no man is bound to perform the penance enjoined by the priest to whom confession of sins was made. It is sufficient that the sinner abstains from said sin, whether lying, backbiting or evil deeds.
“Also, that no priest has the power to make the literal body of Christ from bread. After the sacramental words are spoken by the priest at Mass there remains only material bread.
“Also that the pope of Rome is Father Antichrist whose works are all fraudulent. He has no more power with God than any illiterate commoner, unless his life reflects biblical holiness. Nor does he have the power to ordain bishops, priests, or any other orders. And he that the people call the ‘pope of Rome’ is no pope, but a fraud and extortioner who deceives the people. Furthermore, all who live a most holy and perfect life are ‘popes.’
“And those religious who sing masses are no priests, though they be called such, but are lecherous and covetous men, deceivers who defraud the people. By their cunning teaching and preaching, singing and reading, they pillage the people of their goods. This they do without pity so they may sustain their pride, lechery, sloth and so many other vices…….
“Also, it is but a trifle to anoint a sick man with consecrated material oil, for it is sufficient that the man personally makes amends with God. Also, that every man may lawfully withhold tithes and offerings normally made to priests and curates by giving instead to the poor. That is more pleasing to God……..
“Also, that pilgrimages ought not be made, for they only serve to make priests, taverners and innkeepers merry, rich and prideful.
“Also, that no worship or reverence should be made to any image of the crucifix, Our Lady, or any other saint, for all such images are but idols, the works of men’s hands. These are not the image of God; human beings are the only image of God. [N.B. Many Lollards were against capital punishment because man was created in the image of God, and therefore human life should be respected, not destroyed.]
“Also, that prayer should be made to God alone, not to saints, for it is quite doubtful that these so-called ‘saints’ are actually in Heaven, though the church claims they hear and respond to our prayers and singing.
[N.B. The following quotes are from NORWICH HERESY TRIALS 1428-31; edited for the Royal Historical Society by Norman P. Tanner, 1977.]
John Skylly of Flyxton professed: “I held and affirmed and taught that the pope of Rome is Antichrist, and bishops and other prelates are disciples of Antichrist, and that the pope hath no power to bind or loose.”
John Godesell professed, “the Pope is Antichrist, and the head of the dragon mentioned in Scriptures and the bishops and other prelates of the Church are followers of Antichrist, the mendicant orders the tail of the dragon.”
John Reve of Becles professed: “The pope of Rome is Antichrist and hath no power of God to bind nor to lose as Peter had, for he followeth not Peter’s holy conversation and living.”
John Skylan of Bergh professed: “There was never a pope after the death of Peter. He that is called pope of Rome is father Antichrist, false and cursed in all his working, falsely and subtly under the pretense of holiness deceiving the people to gain wealth…..All persons of the [Roman] Church, from the highest to the lowest, and all their teaching and preaching, whose goal is to enslave, are false, cursed and lies. Their priests are ordained that they may beguile and deceive the people to gain wealth, in addition to maintaining their pride, sloth and lechery.”
William Hardy of Mundham professed: “No worship nor reverence is due any images of the crucifix, neither of Our Lady St. Mary, or any other saint, for the sign of the cross is the sign of Antichrist. There is no more reverence owed the cross than owed the gallows upon which men are hanged.”
Edmund Archer of Lodne professed: “I held, believed and affirmed that no manner of worship should be made any images of the crucifix, Our Lady St. Mary, or any other saint, especially to images of Christ’s cross, for every such cross is the sign and token [read ‘mark’] of Antichrist.”
NEXT: Some Common Sense Observations.
Matthew 10
25“It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they have called the head of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign the members of his household!
We just call Protestant's church brothers and sisters.
So if the shoe fits.