If you don't like those demand type sayings, how did you ever come to open your heart to Jesus when He told the world that "His way" was the only way?:laugh:
Now RD2, you are usually more sensible than this.
How can you compare "If you love Jesus, forward to 10 people. If not just delete!" with the option of accepting Christ or not?
This kind of inane demand at the end of an email is comparable to a 5 YO wailing to Mama "If you love me you'll let me eat just my birthday cake all day on my birthday." The inference being that "--if you don't meet my demands, it just proves that you don't love me."
Or in the case of emails "--if you don't forward this email, it just proves that you don't love Jesus." (Whoda thunk you could fake such spirituality so easily - and be believed??):sleep: