I find it odd that although you are quite the expert on history, you fail to recognize fulfillment of "End Times" prophecies. You've only "proven" your views to those who have bought into the "futurist" view.
That's because they HAVEN'T yet been fulfilled. Their LITERALNESS is proven by the literal fulfillment of the Olivet Discourse up to now. J & the temple were destroyed, there's been war & rumor of war, quakes & famines & false prophets & false messiahs.
Jesus said the temple would be so destroyed that no stone would be left on toppa another, & that's what happened, TO THE LETTER. The Romans burned it to try to get at some gold supposedly cached between its stones. Thus, they pried the stones apart, to the ground, but found no gold. The Wailing Wall is not part of the temple, but part of a wall built around the temple complex.
And Jesus simply said J would be destroyed, which it was, but it was soon rebuilt, much-faster than it was after the Babylonian destruction.
But right now, not all nations hate Christians because of Jesus, but it's slowly coming! And the Gospel, while having been preached in many nations to many peoples, has NOT yet been preached to EVERY nation or people. However, with modern media & modes of travel, it's not far off. (A notable example is that island off the coast of India where the missionary was killed a coupla years ago, & no outsider is permitted to land.)
And you should examine what "the end" is. It's NOT the end of the world, but the end of this age. It'll begin when the antichrist comes to power & be finalized when Jesus returns & casts the antichrist & false prophet alive into the lake of fire.
You have a lot to learn about the eschatological prophecies. You can learn this by CAREFULLY reading the prophecies in Daniel, paying close attention to 2 Thess.2, and CAREFULLY reading Revelation, believing it literally as possible. What symbolism it has isn't difficult to understand its literal meanings. The angel gave John (& us) the literal meanings of Ch. 17, for example. And we see that the 'beast' will be both an empire and the man who will run it.
As for the 'abomination of desolation', that's what the old Jews called the desecration done by Antiochus Epiphanes when he entered the temple, set up a statue of Zeus in it, & sacrificed a pig on the altar. (If you don't believe me, just ask any rabbi !) Thus, Jesus repeated that phrase to His disciples as He knew they'd know what He meant. Thus, there'll be another AOD in the new temple the Jews will build in Jerusalem.
Remember, Paul wrote that the 'man of sin' would sit in the temple and proclaim himself God. He didn't say it'd be a Roman soldier, etc. but the particular man of sin, also called "that Wicked, son of perdition(a title given elsewhere only to Iscariot) antichrist, beast", etc. And Revelation says he will set up a statue of himself in that temple, which the false prophet will supernaturally make speak.
And also the antichrist won't recognize any god but himself, & some "god of fortresses" we know nothing about now. Titus & the Romans worshipped the Roman pantheon, with Titus returning to Rome & honoring them for his victory at Jerusalem, so he certainly wasn't "the" antichrist!.
So, it's EASY TO SEE in history that the eschatological prophecies have NOT yet been fulfilled !
You pulled another "Casey At The Bat", Lodic !