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Featured Revelation 6:9-11

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Dayle, Apr 23, 2019.

  1. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Some saw His transfiguration; others didn't. That was what those verses meant.

    Simple TRUTH is, JESUS HASN'T YET RETURNED, in the manner He said. Now, He's SPIRITUALLY present whenever/wherever two or more are gathered in His name, as He also said, but that's not His physical return, to be seen by all, as He also said!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. robycop3

    robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    TTT, you said, in another sub-forum, that you could provide Scripture supporting the KJVO myth. Around here, we hold people to substantiating their claims.

    Now, please try to provide Scripture supporting the KJVO myth, in that sub-forum, or admit you made a mistake, and you can't. If you fail to respond, people will apply the "L" word to you, a type of person God doesn't like.
  3. Iconoclast

    Iconoclast Well-Known Member
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    Mar 25, 2010
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    Non Baptist Christian
    Looks like those verses were spoken after the Transfiguration.
  4. MB

    MB Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    I suppose that you're trying to imply that only those who sin the least will be counted worthy. Yet every man still sins. Since every one sins what would be the evidence of worthiness? Every one IMO who believes will be worthy. It seems to me you are implying works to make sure we are worthy. Works do not make us worthy. Although there will be Christians left behind for a purpose of God to preach the gospel. Those Christians left behind will have the seal of God in there foreheads and the curses will not have any effect on them.

    I am of the opinion that every person who has accepted Christ as Savior has pleased God by doing so.
  5. agedman

    agedman Well-Known Member
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    Nov 4, 2011
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    We do know the Scriptures reveal that the Lord will have a great supper prior to the return of Christ for millennial reign. This is perhaps seen when the voice of heaven says “come out of her...” found in Revelation 18 followed by the marriage supper seen in 19.

    1 Corinthians shares that there will be those alive in Christ when he returns. This return is the second coming when the heavenly saints return with Him and those alive that have remained will be changed and meet together in the air. This follows the last trumpet sound of judgement in the revelation. For the Lords return is the trumpet sound and shout of victory such as heard at Jericho.

    The “then” found on 1 Thessalonians 4 is not holding time, but nay sequence. There is First the dead rise to be “with Him.” Believers do not lay in a grave sleeping, waiting, but are in His presence when this flesh ceases vitality. The dead raise and are in His presence. They are in their new created state.

    Only the martyrs are given white robes, for the martyrs are seen, in the Revelation, gathered under the altar.

    Because (as all prophecies yet to be fulfilled) the time of His return is veiled (as He spoke) we can only see a broad perspective. This as it was with the first coming. Folks new it would happen, looking for it to take place, but only a few were given the news to recognized the exact time and place. And this was after the event.

    Keeping that in mind, the sequence remains as the Scriptures testify.

    1. There is a great apostasy - more than even that which took place prior to the reformation. This time there is no recovery for the church for Christ is not part of the assembly. Yet he has those individuals who as Elijah was told did not bow.

    2. At first, great world peace of the world population even at the introduction of remarkable plagues as that great and horrible tribulation judgement bowls are dumped out. This is the time the martyrs are seeing the vengeance God promised.

    3. As this goes on, a marriage supper takes place. An ongoing feast in which the parable gives that only certain are invited. There is indication that because of the huge tribulation on earth, along with that great apostasy, and even the world rejoicing over the death of the last two witnesses, there is but a small remnant left “alive and remain” at His second coming, individual believers who “are alive and remain.”

    Following that supper, there is the return and establishment of the kingdom on this earth for a millennium. There are those that do not agree with the millennial reign, but they are as the religious who knew, but refused to recognize the little birth in Bethlehem. The king will return with His kingdom to rule as the prophets told.

    I know some desire a pre-wrath rapture, and I do also. So has the church for all ages. We are to look for the Lord especially as prophetic signs appear. But, it matters little, because the ultimate promise is that even those in Him who are still alive at His return will be changed into his likeness.

    Please take time to consider this principle of Scripture concerning the redeemed.

    Flesh and blood (this physical shroud) in no part enters the presence of God. The eternal soul redeemed is made into His likeness, as the Scriptures state, believers are “a new creation...”.

    The resurrected body is not this old worn out dust, remade. It is that new creation in which we exchange, should we be alive and remain at his coming, or upon the ceasing of this shroud”s vitality.

    Perhaps consider when you purchase a new car, you trade in the old. The old is not made new, but exchanged. You “are changed” from the old car and now reside in the new car. That is as the soul moves from one dwelling to the new.

    Until then our minds must be renewed daily into His thinking. We are not to conform to the world, we are to renew our strength in Him. We are to live in the world but be not of this world for believers are ambassadors of Christ, not citizens of the earth, but citizens of the Kingdom.

    We are to live, looking up, for the redemption is 2000 years closer then when the folks, standing on that hill looking up having watch the Lord ascend, were told He will return, so get busy.
    #25 agedman, May 4, 2019
    Last edited: May 4, 2019