Jesus right now in his role as mediator and High priest,
not in directly Kingdom Ruling until second coming and establishment of the Messianic Age
"If you are a premillennialist, whether dispensational or not,
there are several things with which you must reconcile within your brain:
You must necessarily believe that Physical Death will continue to exist
beyond the Time of Christ’s Second Coming. The reason for this is that all premillennialists must account for the rebellious and unbelieving nations
Revelation 20:7-10 who launch an assault against Christ and His people
at the end of what they believe is 'the millennial age'.
until second coming and establishment of the Messianic Age
"Where did these people come from? They must be the unbelieving progeny
born to those believers who entered 'the millennial age' in physical, un-glorified bodies.
"Not only they, but also the believing progeny born to those believers
will be subject to Physical Death (notwithstanding the alleged prolonged life spans experienced by those who live during 'the millennial' Reign of Christ).
"You must necessarily believe that the Natural Creation will continue,
beyond the Time of Christ’s Second Coming, to be subjected to the curse
imposed by the fall of man. The reason for this is that all premillennialists must concede that unbelievers will continue to populate and infect the earth during 'the millennial' Reign of Christ.
"Notwithstanding the Presence of Christ Himself, as premillennialists argue,
the Earth will continue to be ravaged by war and sin and death,
even if only at 'the millennium’s' end (
Revelation 20:7-10).
As a premillennialist, you must necessarily believe that
the Redemption of the Natural Creation and its being set free
from bondage to corruption does not occur, at least in its Consummate Expression,
until '1,000 years subsequent to Christ’s Return'.
You must necessarily believe that the New Heavens and New Earth
will not be introduced until '1,000 years subsequent to the Return of Christ'.
This is not in itself problematic, except for the fact that the NEW TESTAMENT
appears to teach that the New Heavens and New Earth
are Inaugurated at the Time of Christ’s Second Coming,
not '1,000 years thereafter' (
2 Peter 3:8-13).
You must necessarily believe that unbelieving men and women will still have the opportunity to come to Saving Faith in Christ for at least '1,000 years subsequent to His Return'. The reason for this is that, according to premillennialism, countless millions of people will be born during the course of 'the millennial' Reign of Christ.
"Are premillennialists asking us to believe that upon their attaining to an age when they are capable of understanding and responding to the Revelation of God and the Personal, Physical Presence of the Risen and Glorified Christ Jesus Himself, that none of them will be given the opportunity to respond in Faith to the claims of the Gospel?
"You must necessarily believe that unbelievers will not be finally Resurrected until at least '1,000 years subsequent to the Return of Christ'. All premillennialists affirm that the Final Resurrection of the unsaved occurs at the Close of the 'millennial kingdom'.
"You must necessarily believe that unbelievers will not be finally Judged and Cast into Eternal Punishment until at least '1,000 years subsequent to the Return of Christ'.
"So, what’s wrong with believing these things, asks the premillennialist?
"What’s wrong is that these many things that premillennialists must believe
the EXACT THINGS The NEW TESTAMENT Explicitly Denies.
"In other words, in my study of the Second Coming of Christ I discovered that, contrary to what premillennialism requires us to believe (see above), Physical Death is Defeated and Swallowed up in Victory at the Parousia (
1 Cor. 15:22-28,
"The Natural Creation is set free from its bondage to corruption at the Parousia (
Rom. 8:18-23),
"The New Heavens and the New Earth are introduced immediately following the Parousia (
2 Pet. 3:8-13),
"All opportunity to receive Christ as Savior Terminates at the Parousia (
2 Cor. 6:1-2;
Heb. 9:27),
"And both the Final Resurrection and Eternal Judgment of unbelievers will occur at the Time of the Parousia (
Matt. 25:31-46;
John 5:28-29;
2 Thess. 1:5-10).
"Simply put, the NEW TESTAMENT Portrayals
Forced me to Conclude that:
'A Millennial Age', Subsequent to Christ’s Return,
of the Sort Proposed by premillennialism was Impossible."
August 29, 2022 by Sam Storms