With the acronym, GIGLOMGOP. :tongue3:I would not want to go by the title "Reverend".
"Grand, Illustrious, Glorious, Miraclous, Good Looking, Potentate" will do just fine!!
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With the acronym, GIGLOMGOP. :tongue3:I would not want to go by the title "Reverend".
"Grand, Illustrious, Glorious, Miraclous, Good Looking, Potentate" will do just fine!!
With the acronym, GIGLOMGOP. :tongue3:
Some time ago I was in the hospital for a minor operation. The pastor of the church had done the administrative work and given my name as Rev.____
Names are also put on the outside beside the door. This was a semi-private room, shared with one other individual. The other person ironically was an Anglican priest. When he discovered that this young Baptist pastor had a title of Rev. before his name and he, an elderly Anglican priest, had no such title, but only his first and last name, he became quite irate about it. We had a discussion about the verse in Matthew 23 about "call no man your 'father.'" But he was adamant that all in his congregation were his spiritual children and he was their spiritual father. It was an opportunity to witness, but he felt that he had been wronged out of his "rightful title."
My preacher gets called Brother Dennis, as do the asistant preacher and the music minister (only we call them them Bro. Earnie and Bro. Rick). The youth minister gets called by his first name pretty much all the time! I can't remember there ever having been a committee meeting on the subject but this is the way we have titled our preachers in the 12 years or so I've been there. Matter of fact, I don't ever remember calling any of my pastors anything but Brother. :laugh:
If you want to give your church leaders a title with their name, you church has it right. We are all Brothers in Christ. Keep up the good practice, don't loose it.
In NY, the only time I've heard "Brother So and So" is either at a very pentacostal church or else any of the black churches. It's NEVER heard in any white or mixed Baptist church.
Come on down south and ya'll will hear it alot!!:wavey:
Oh, I see, it has to do with the Republician party!
OY VEY!!! I am a Democrat, thank you very much!! I may not like all they stand for, but they tend to side with unions moreso than the GOP does.....please do not let this derail the thread!!
LOL!!! :thumbs: :thumbs::tongue3:
Of course. That's because the Marxists and Progressives in the unions carry their water for them.
Unions are not the good guys.
OY VEY!!! I am a Democrat, thank you very much!! I may not like all they stand for, but they tend to side with unions moreso than the GOP does.....please do not let this derail the thread!!
LOL!!! :thumbs: :thumbs::tongue3:
Come on down south and ya'll will hear it alot!!:wavey:
Then I will have to invite Ann to a PB meeting in Manhattan. A Capella singing & all right on 36th & 6th.
Then I will have to invite Ann to a PB meeting in Manhattan. A Capella singing & all right on 36th & 6th.
They were if you grew up among Coal Miners
Before the unions you were treated like a slave.
In NY, the only time I've heard "Brother So and So" is either at a very pentacostal church or else any of the black churches. It's NEVER heard in any white or mixed Baptist church.