Sorry, but that is assuming the Catholic Church is the "false religion" of the Tribulation, and I really don't see any proof of that. The Pentecostals, Oneness denominations, Mormons, JW's, etc., are far further afield of truth than the Catholics are. No one ever mentions them as the possible "false religion." The Catholics make the same mistake many mainstream non-orthodox churches make: The mix works in with faith. That doesn't make them a "spiritual Babylon." It makes them just misled and misguided. True, the "saints worship" of many more ritualistic Catholics, and the extremists who want to make Mary a "second redeemer" are flat-out false teachers. But calling them out as spiritually lost in general would be a big mistake. Mistaken, yes. Bad theology, yes. Even false teachers among them, yes. That isn't saying anything about the Catholic Church that can't be said about isolated elements of every other Christian denomination in the world. Like those denominations, people still flounder their way to Christ despite the errors.
As to the "false religion" of the Tribulation, I am more inclined to believe it is Islam. Won't make any difference to me. By death or by Rapture, I won't be here.