In another thread someone posted, "
the Baptist label is all but meaningless since those with very un-baptistic beliefs find it a convenient moniker... and can freely use it."
Though this is another context, I believe there is some truth to it here and, in a way, brings this thread full-circle. The Baptist name is indeed becoming obscure though it is not so noticeable, as of yet.
As sad as that statement is, the Baptist denomination overall has very stubbornly held its biblical ground, compared with any other denomination I am aware of, even though it is fast losing that ground. Wherever I go, at least in the South, the best, and sometimes ONLY chance of finding a biblical, uncompromised church is to look for a Baptist church, often a smaller one. That is the reality of the state of the evangelical church as a whole, as a few abandoned evangelical leaders have been pointing out.
But what is even more sad than a meaningless label is to watch Baptists, having resisted for more than a century attack after attack on non-legalistic fundamentalism and its high view of scripture, being purpose-driven by the thousands from their biblical roots, mostly unawares, into a Warren-led darkness.*
Far from being fundamental, Warren is actually a theological liberal as John MacArthur pointed out in a lecture on January 24. As he said, and as many of us have pointed out the past several years, this particular line of deception runs from Norman V. Peale to Robert Schuller to Bill Hybels to Rick Warren and most recently to Brian McLaren of the Emerging Church.
Download MacArthur's Lecture HERE
There is some degree of New Age blended in with all these forms of liberalism and the systems they deploy, and that element is increasing and will continue to increase. But what makes Rick Warren and Purpose-Driven seem different and makes it so difficult to discern is its clever disguise. It is, in fact, brilliantly cloaked in conservative bibliology. I've said before I believe it to be the greatest deception of the church age, at least since the Reformation, and I since have heard that MacArthur and others say essentially the same thing.
No Christian should feel bad,
in the least, about being taken in by 'The Purpose-Driven Life',
and I mean that. Had the Lord not sovereignly showed it to me at the point where I had barely heard of it, I probably would have never seen it myself. FWIW, it took me a whole year full-time to
prove what He showed me, even then.
After more than 3 years of research, I am confident that the work of the Holy Spirit, at this present time, is the calling out of a remnant people unto Himself, the true Church of God, who will remain true to the scriptures and abide in Him. I also think that this remnant will be abandoned and persecuted by religious people and the great majority of professed Christians, who will progressively fall deeper and deeper into error. The signs of this are everywhere.
This is the time to examine ourselves before God, to prove ourselves, to watch, and pray always that we may be "
accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."
God's kingdom is coming, but it's His kingdom, not ours.
Thy kingdom come".
* The links above, on this page, are enough to paint the picture of where Warren is taking his 'transformed' converts.