Agedman, considering whether "saved" in 1 Timothy 2:9 refers to eternal salvation (being born anew) or being delivered from some difficulty in our present life is a valid question, and does not in any way, shape or form suggest a faith plus works salvation. You misrepresent my view, period. Paul always used the word to refer to eternal salvation, and coupled with the "if you continue" phraseology which proves rather than provides salvation, confirms eternal salvation as the intended message.
Now if you care to address the role of women, rather than defend off topic smears, have at it.
Saved is used in the NT in terms of deliverance, to rescue, bring through, keep safe, ... not always is the use placed in terms of the eternal.
Acts 27:31 is an example where Paul uses what the English translates saved as bringing through to safety.
“sozo” in all the forms are used over 100 times in the NT. Certainly, most uses have a link to eternal values, but not all. Some, as in the case of the use in 1 Timothy, give a statement in which the eternal is not the complete thinking, but that the deliverance is available no matter or “in spite” of whether one lives or dies, the trial “by fire” will pass, one is saved.
The great song, “How Firm a Foundation” wonderfully portrays the aspects of the NT salvation. Here is one verse given for the readers’ benefit:
"When through fiery trials thy pathways shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.”
The believer may live through the ordeal, or the believer may die as they pass through the ordeal, but the believer is saved through (not by the means of) the ordeal in spite of the trauma’s demands.
Rather, as you do so rightly state, the matter of “through child bearing” is not that which saves, but that which the believer is brought through (saved) as all who are saved will be brought through their traumas safely. Such will endure to the end, not to gain, but because they have already gained and are therefore saved.
So even when results of the curse is pressed upon the believer (as the trauma of child bearing) the hope of the believer is safe.