7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
The Greek noun "phronema" translated "mind" in Romans 8:7 is not the normal Greek term for "mind." The normal word is "nous." This term according to its usage includes more than just the intellectual capacity but rather a disposition of mind toward something or mindset. This particular kind of mindset is described by the previous adjective "carnal".
This is a disposition of mind that is carnal by nature. This disposition of mind is further described in detail by the noun "enmity" which is descriptive of a STATE OF WAR. This is its ACTIVE dispositon toward God.
The phrase "for it is not subject to the law of God" describes the "carnal mind" or fleshly disposition REACTION to the revealed will of God. This ACTIVE resistance is a STATE OF BEING as the state of being verb "is" describes this action.
So, the kind of mind set or disposition is "carnal" active hositlity to God and resistance to the revealed will of God.
This mindset does not originate with the "inward man" that delights in the Law of God within the regenerated man but it originates with the "law of sin" that resides "in my flesh" (Rom. 7:18) which is still "carnal" and thus "sold under sin" (Rom. 7:14) and the absolute proof is that it will result in "death" (Rom. 7:24) which is the wages of sin. Only in the resurrection does the body of the redeemed raised a "spiritual" (Rom. 7:14; 1 Cor. 15:53-55).
However, the unregenerated man has not been redeemed from sin in regard to any aspect of the human nature and therefore the law of sin is not restricted merely to "the flesh" but to the whole person including his "mind" (Rom. 7:25). So then they that are "in the flesh" cannot please God because they have no other mindset option than the "carnal."
Neither the regenerated man or the unregenerated man have any internal ability to overpower the fallen nature (Rom. 7:18) and that is precisely why the only option for overpowering the "carnal mindset" that dominates the fallen nature is the power of the indwelling Spirit of God (Rom. 8:9-13). That is precisely why those "in the flesh" cannot please God as they have no other option, no other mindset then the law of Sin.
The Greek noun "phronema" translated "mind" in Romans 8:7 is not the normal Greek term for "mind." The normal word is "nous." This term according to its usage includes more than just the intellectual capacity but rather a disposition of mind toward something or mindset. This particular kind of mindset is described by the previous adjective "carnal".
This is a disposition of mind that is carnal by nature. This disposition of mind is further described in detail by the noun "enmity" which is descriptive of a STATE OF WAR. This is its ACTIVE dispositon toward God.
The phrase "for it is not subject to the law of God" describes the "carnal mind" or fleshly disposition REACTION to the revealed will of God. This ACTIVE resistance is a STATE OF BEING as the state of being verb "is" describes this action.
So, the kind of mind set or disposition is "carnal" active hositlity to God and resistance to the revealed will of God.
This mindset does not originate with the "inward man" that delights in the Law of God within the regenerated man but it originates with the "law of sin" that resides "in my flesh" (Rom. 7:18) which is still "carnal" and thus "sold under sin" (Rom. 7:14) and the absolute proof is that it will result in "death" (Rom. 7:24) which is the wages of sin. Only in the resurrection does the body of the redeemed raised a "spiritual" (Rom. 7:14; 1 Cor. 15:53-55).
However, the unregenerated man has not been redeemed from sin in regard to any aspect of the human nature and therefore the law of sin is not restricted merely to "the flesh" but to the whole person including his "mind" (Rom. 7:25). So then they that are "in the flesh" cannot please God because they have no other mindset option than the "carnal."
Neither the regenerated man or the unregenerated man have any internal ability to overpower the fallen nature (Rom. 7:18) and that is precisely why the only option for overpowering the "carnal mindset" that dominates the fallen nature is the power of the indwelling Spirit of God (Rom. 8:9-13). That is precisely why those "in the flesh" cannot please God as they have no other option, no other mindset then the law of Sin.