Well, I am glad we agree and sorry for misunderstanding your position.
I don't think he denies that! I don't think he argues that tracts can take the place of scripture, but in fact he uses tracts that are composed of scripture and commentary on scripture.
No worries, misunderstandings can happen especially in this medium of communication. I know that Evan says he supports Sola Scripturea but my contention is that his actions do not back that up. How many times on this forum has he when called out on something responded with read MacAuthor, or read this link, or I have this track that says... showing that in action he does not support Sola Scriptura. Now I have no problems with commentaries or study books, as my husband can tell you since he had to help me move all the boxes of books I have, but they should never be what you use to defend a Biblical position, you should be able to go to Scripture to defend it.