Rom. 3:22-23 ....for there is no difference:
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
The proper understanding of this text is absolutely essential if we are going to rightly divide the following context and understand the following context.
1. There is a denial - "for there is no difference"
Here Paul exposes and condemns the very root error held by some on this forum. Some on this forum demand such a “difference” between Jews and Gentiles is the basis of their whole interpretation of Romans 3:27-5:1 in regard to the terms “law” and “sin” and “works.”
Some interpret the term “law” in this context in such a way to demand that such a “difference” between Jews and Gentiles must be acknowledged. They define “law” in this context as something unique and distinct to Jews only thus making a “difference” between Jews and Gentiles in regard to the very thing that determines and defines another word – “sin.” They they proceed on this imagined “difference” to demand another “difference” in the meaning of “works of the law”.
However, Romans 3:9, 19-20 will not sustain such a “difference” as it is the same “law” (the law of God) regardless if it is written on stones or on the human conscience that defines what “sin” is and it is this same law that stops “every mouth” not merely the Jewish mouth and condemns “all the world” and not merely the jewish world and defines what is “sin” to both not merely to the Jew. Hence, there is no difference between the “law” and “sin” and therefore there is no difference between either Jew or Gentile in attempting to do “the works of the law” or the “deeds of the law” – meaning attempting to do, satisfy by their own works what God’s law demands whether written on stone or on conscience. In principle it is the same law – God’s law – and in principle it demands the same thing – works of obedience and “there is no difference for all have sinned and come short” of God’s righteousness which is reflected on stone and conscience.
However, such a manufactured “difference” in separating Jews from Gentiles on the meaning and application of the contextual terms “law” and “sin” and “works of the law” is the ultimate refuge upon which the whole interpretative position of my opponents build their denial of justification by grace through faith without works.
Here is the root of error exposed and condemned by Paul of those who interpret Romans 3:27-5:1 so as to make a "difference" in the definitons of "law" and "sin" and "works" between Jews and Gentiles.
2. There is a UNIVERSAL verdict - "ALL" not some have "sinned".
He did not say that simply "JEWS" have sinned and that this is merely a restricted ethnic problem or a problem relating only to a restricted kind of Jewish law but that this is the universal verdict inclusive of Gentiles (see verse 9) and therefore of ALL HUMANITY whether Jew or Gentile so that there is "NONE righteous, NO, NOT ONE" regardless of ethnic identity.
The condemnation is universal because the basis for condemnation is universal (vv. 19-20). The Law of God is the UNIVERSAL BASIS for condemnation in verses 19-20 so that "every mouth" not merely Jewish mouths and "all the world" are condemned not merely Jews.
3. There is a standard set that all have come short of attaining - "come short of the glory of God”
Consider for a moment what is “the glory” of God??? Remember it is something that sin causes a person to “come short of”! Hence, it is the opposite of sin! The glory of God is his moral holiness or absolute righteousness that is reflected in His law whether written on stone or on conscience. It is to fail in “one point” of God’s law so that “sin” can be ascribed to you!
Hence, it does not matter if you have sinned against God’s law as it is revealed to your conscience or God’s law as it is revealed on stone – “for there is no difference for all have sinned and COME SHORT of the glory of God.
CONCLUSION: My opponents will have to make a "difference" between Jew and Gentile in regard to "sin" because they will have to make a difference in regard to how they define "law" in this context in order to limit "the works of" that law or the "deeds" of that law to merely Jews. That is precisely how they get around Paul's condemnation of their doctrine of justification by works in Romans 3:27-31 and that is precisely how they get around Paul's clear teaching in Romans 4 that justificaiton is "without works."