You are completely missing the point. He does in fact obligate INDIVIDUALS to do what He knows they are incapable of doing -
I am not missing it in the least.....and B.T.W. you continually assume I have a problem with God holding man responsible for failure to do what he is incapable of doing. I have no problem with that. Few people (if any) who disagree with you have a problem with that idea....
I think perhaps Calvinist polemic has taught you that we have a problem with that idea. We don't.
keeping the Law without violation. That is the fact of scripture.
Yeah, we all know actually....I don't think anyone has ever said otherwise. You truly don't understand your opposition very well I think.
He furthemore justly condemns them for their individual violation of His Law.
Yes, so.
My interpretation of Romans 5:12-19 is the only possible interpretation that can justify God demanding from individual fallen man what they are incapable of doing and yet condemning them as sinners.
I don't think God needs any justification's bound in his nature.
As the heretical and Pelagianistic C.S. Lewis brilliantly said "Perfect love cannot be reconciled to an un-lovely object" <----(That's us). Instead, the un-lovely must be perfected first before perfect Love is even capable of reconciling to it.
Your opponents do not, and never have sweated God condemning man for failing to be perfect. It is bound in his nature to be incapable of reconciling himself to it.
Your opponents don't debate that. Calvinist Polemic has taught you that they do.
Note the end reference point is Moses and so He is referring to LAW PUBLICLY REVEALED DIRECTLY FROM GOD TO MEN
Nature and man's conscience and the invisible things of God are according to Paul a VERY PUBLICALLY REVEALED LAW DIRECTLY FROM GOD. That's the whole point of the first two chapters.
or else there is no point in making Moses the final reference point becuase LAW OF CONSCIENCE did not end with Moses
The point in making Moses the final reference is because there is written codified law. But the law reigning from Adam to Moses is not the revelation of command not to eat of the's man's innate knowledge of right and wrong.....It continues, of course, because even post-Moses, men are still rightly condemned by their own consciences. God did not post the Law on the internet.
Furthermore, the fact that no public revealed law from God
Rom 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Rom 1:18 ¶ For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
to man between Adam and Moses reinforces that sin and death entered the world by ONE MAN not many men many times as your position demands.
Sin and death entered the world once and only once and by only one man.....That has never been debated.
You are repeating this in order to insist on
something else entirely:
That all individuals are condemned individually by their inexplicable co-participation in Adam's sin. That is an entirely different idea all-together. You can't boot-strap them together.
That's bait-and-switch.
If sin enters through offended conscience he could have said that but instead he repetitively gives the cause as the ACTION by "ONE MAN" not by many men and many sins as your doctrine demands.
If failure to eat of a certain tree or inability to obtain access to a certain tree were the cause then Romans 5:12 should have stated that was the real problem instead of the actions (rather than non-action) by "ONE MAN."
Explaining the condemnation of individuals and their guilt simply wasn't Paul's purpose. He was driving at different points altogether.
The repetitious explanation for the cause of death, sin, condemnation, judgement is inexcusable if the real reason for death and sin is individual based rather than federal based.
Not if it wasn't Paul's intention to describe the nuts and bolts of Hamartiology and individual guilt and condemnation altogether....
He was juxtaposing Adam vs. Christ. That's why he continually repeated the comparison. Paul already accomplished that 3-and-a-half chapters ago. He wasn't commenting on individual condemnation or justification.