The Bible does not, it seems, promise that a person's life will form a discernible pattern, with a beginning, a middle and an end. Many lives are completely patternless or marked by tragedy; early promise may be cut off by serious illness or death. It would be completely false to Scripture to suppose that in order for people to be assured that the events of their lives are ordered by providence for a good end, they should be able to discern some overall pattern or 'story' in their lives. The pressing need to discern such a pattern can often lead to unnecessary frustration and heartache.
We can see from this how mistaken and misguided are those who teach that a well-ordered Christian life will be a happy life, or a prosperous life of a healthy life. A survey of the lives of the saintliest of the people of God provides no confirmation of such claims. There are no promises of God which guarantee any of this; and in fact there are teachings of Scripture which suggest that it is impossible to discern a pattern to the lives of believers.
Helm, Paul. The Providence of God (Contours of Christian Theology). InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL. 1994. p. 126.
Job 13:15
Daniel 3:16-18
We can see from this how mistaken and misguided are those who teach that a well-ordered Christian life will be a happy life, or a prosperous life of a healthy life. A survey of the lives of the saintliest of the people of God provides no confirmation of such claims. There are no promises of God which guarantee any of this; and in fact there are teachings of Scripture which suggest that it is impossible to discern a pattern to the lives of believers.
Helm, Paul. The Providence of God (Contours of Christian Theology). InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL. 1994. p. 126.
Job 13:15
Daniel 3:16-18