This passage is not teaching Total Inability. It is teaching that if a man is carnally minded he cannot please God.
First, he is primarily addressing not "man" in general but the saved man in particular who has the struggle spelled out in Romans 7:14-25. The entire context deals primarily with the saved man and his struggle with the law of indwelling sin.
Second, the saved man has TWPTIONS which provide choice between delighting in the law of God after the inward new man (Rom. 7:22) or the total inability of the fallen nature (Rom. 8:7) that characterizes the lost man (Rom. 8:8).
Third, the lost man does not have TWPTIONS as he does not have a regenerated nature or any nature that "delights in the law of God" but he only has the fallen depraved nature that opposes the law of God (Rom. 8:7)
Fourth, Paul offers no SECOND OPTION for the unregnenerated man (Rom. 8:8) but only that which is described in Romans 8:7. The unregenerated man does not have TWPTIONS. The reason the saved man has another option is due to the REGENERATED NATURE and that is not found in the unregenerated man.
Fifth, Paul is denying the lost man can please God because the ONLY option provided in this context that can please God is found only "IN THE SPIRIT" coupled with the regenerated nature (Rom. 8:9-13) and the lost man does not possess either.
Look, if you dwell on some beautiful young girl on TV in a bikini you cannot please your wife. That doesn't mean that you are unable to look away and think of something else. But while you choose to dwell on that young girl it is impossible to please your wife. This is what Paul is saying, that while a man is carnally minded he cannot please God or be subject to his laws. That does not mean the man cannot think another way.
Your example is flawed as Paul is dealing with something much deeper than EXTERNAL temptations and will power but with the only possible way to please God and that is putting to death the deeds of the fleshly nature by the power of the Holy Spirit which is only possible for those "in the Spirit" and the lost man does not have that option because he is "in the flesh" and not "in the Spirit" (Rom. 8:8-9).
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