The question is normally asked, "Is this corporate or individual?" Some insist this must be corporate only. I insist it is both. There are individual and corporate elements here. You cannot, for instance, have a corporate unless there is the individual (Jacob and Esau is the prime example).
Those who wish for only a corporate rendering miss the obvious, that the Bible uses the individual to demonstrate the corporate.
:thumbsup: Well said. I agree totally!
Nations are made up of individuals. I just wish Calvinists would consistently carry this understanding into chapters 10 and 11 when Paul goes on to explain how the individuals in Israel who are being temporarily hardened haven't "stumbled beyond recovery" (vs. 11) and may be provoke to envy and saved (vs. 14) and may be grafted back into the vine if they leave their unbelief (vs. 23-26), thus proving that the individuals spoken of as being hardened in Romans 9 can't be the non-elect reprobates born without hope of ever being saved as Calvinism presumes...but instead is the judicially hardened Jew who God temporarily cut off from the vine (hardened in his rebellious condition) so as to accomplish the crucifixion and ingraft the Gentiles.