I can only think of one - and I think that she is allowed to stay only because she is so soft spoken.
The lack of access by Catholics to this board makes all the anti-catholic threads/rants/accusations so silly.
Have you followed the debates and who have been involved in these debates? There are more than one Catholic on this forum and several who are pro-Catholic and/or defenders of particular Catholic dogma.
It is not "silly" to defend the Scriptures as final authority for faith and practice as much of the debate has been over that very topic if you have been paying attention. It is "silly" if you don't believe it though!
It is not silly to defend justification by grace without works as much of the debate has been over that very topic. The significance of a doctrine should at least be judged by the emphasis that Scriptures places on it and the scriptures place a great deal on the true gospel versus "another gospel" (Gal. 1:6-9). It is "silly" if you believe any gospel will do!
When the majority "Christian" religion in America as well as in the world is Catholic, it is not "silly" to discuss and debate essential differences especially when there are SEVERAL on this forum who defend Catholic views.
Think about this for a second! It would be "silly" if there were no one presenting the Catholic viewpoint and defending it! Only a person who has not been reading these threads would argue that no one is defending the Catholic view point! Just go back and read these threads and you will readily discover there are several (not just one) who are defending Catholic view points on this forum. You are probably the only one that needs to be told this.