I find these discussions like a time machine to 52 years ago when everyone was sure this country was going to perish because a Roman Catholic was running for President.
I would not vote for Romney, but whether or not he's a mormon has nothing to do with my vote, nor should it. He's not running for head religious leader, he's running for POLITICAL office. We should look at his political record. We should look at his answers on healthcare, taxes, abortion, whether or not we should have a constitutional ammendment on marriage, war, the economy and other issues of the day. What church he chooses to attend on Sundays should not affect the voting.
On the other...."a no vote for Romney is a yes vote for Obama" that is not true in a primary election, only the national election in November. In a primary election you are, basically, not voting for a candidate. Instead, you are voting for a delegate at the national convention this summer who WILL elect that candidate. A vote for Romney is a vote towards a delegate. A vote for someone who is running in the #2 or #3 spot is like a vote of confidence....keep running!
I find that if I stay focused on the issues that matter to me, listen to what the candidates say about those issues and not become emotional, and ask God to lead me to the right person then I am voting with a level head and heart.