JustChristian said:
So if you assign criticism to Carter for the poor economy during his term, then you must assign high marks to Clinton for the great economy during his two terms and very bad marks to Busk for the recession/looming depression which occurred during his administration. Am I correct?
Carter, with a democratic majority, did great damage with his leadership style, and over-reliance on government. Yes, he had more influence than he should. Yes, he messed it up pretty good.
Clinton worked with a dem and a republican majority. I thought his morals stunk, but yes...between some of his advisors, a number of his decisions, and a couple of republican decisions, I would say he deserves credit for much of the 1990's growth.
Bush deserves a good deal of credit for the funk we're in, because of his extravagant spending...but I think congress (both D's and R's) also spent us into trouble.
So in short: Yes to Clinton, and a qualified yes to Bush.
However, I still contend that the president
should not have that much influence on the economy Constitutionally....but he does.