Unless you can show us in Rom. 13 where the Bible expressly supports your personal opinion regarding civil rights and your right to disobey the law if it is contrary to your personal opinion of fairness, your opinion is nothing but modern, humanistic philosophy based upon currents trends in human opinion rather that the word of God.Originally posted by Craigbythesea:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by tinytim:
When laws are corrupted by prejudice and racism then this cuts against the very grain of God's treatment of humanity, not to mention His holiness. Racism and prejudice are sins, and laws that promote sin are morally wrong.
Or are you going to tell me that the law that was broken wasn't a racist law?
If a law is morally wrong, we have no reason to obey it. Actually if a person were to obey it, they would be committing the sin.
Is racism morally wrong?
If so, then any law based in racism is morally wrong.
And if that is true, then Rosa Parks had a divine right to break that law, not just a right but a duty!

Would somebody like to research the idea---bring back to this thread---the written law that forbade/excluded blacks from those seats!!