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After our little tiff on the South, I've tried to be very kind, but he still hasn't addressed that question (endorsement/coercion) which is critical. Actually, a couple of times, I started out tougher in my responses to him, but I don't like arguments becoming personal attacks myself, so I edited them. I'd like a good debate with him but not interested in a personal battle. And, actually, even in that little tiff, though I was offended at his comments about the South, I don't recall him making any personal attacks.
And thank you very kindly for your career change recommendation. Actually, that was pretty much my dream for years. I'm pretty much a walking Harry Chapin song for "dreams gone by", funny how life comes along. But this subject is definitely my passion, one that I've spent a lot of time reading and studying. I try to study both the history of the period as well as Supreme Court decisions on this issue (and some others) as they come out.
And I must say I've been very happy at the recent spate of threads here at BB on establishment clause issues. I used to spend a lot of time over at Internet Infidels Discussion Board and I must say that, generally, conservative Christians who believe as we do on this issue aren't nearly as well-studied and well-read as those folks. I have pleaded for such a forum here at BB and the closest I got was the History forum when it appeared. It's sad that there's not nearly the interest here at BB as there is over there. The debate here is enjoyable, though. Even though you and I disagree on Moore himself, I think we're in pretty solid agreement on Establishment clause issues. And I've also enjoyed the debates here with Johnv. There is something very satisfying to me about being able to have a strong debate over something I feel strongly about without it becoming a flame war, and I think all concerned here have done an excellent job. IIDB has a forum dedicated solely to church-state issues and I hope that the recent interest demonstrated here motivates some of the mods/admins to think about one here.
Thanks again for your kind comments.
After our little tiff on the South, I've tried to be very kind, but he still hasn't addressed that question (endorsement/coercion) which is critical. Actually, a couple of times, I started out tougher in my responses to him, but I don't like arguments becoming personal attacks myself, so I edited them. I'd like a good debate with him but not interested in a personal battle. And, actually, even in that little tiff, though I was offended at his comments about the South, I don't recall him making any personal attacks.
And thank you very kindly for your career change recommendation. Actually, that was pretty much my dream for years. I'm pretty much a walking Harry Chapin song for "dreams gone by", funny how life comes along. But this subject is definitely my passion, one that I've spent a lot of time reading and studying. I try to study both the history of the period as well as Supreme Court decisions on this issue (and some others) as they come out.
And I must say I've been very happy at the recent spate of threads here at BB on establishment clause issues. I used to spend a lot of time over at Internet Infidels Discussion Board and I must say that, generally, conservative Christians who believe as we do on this issue aren't nearly as well-studied and well-read as those folks. I have pleaded for such a forum here at BB and the closest I got was the History forum when it appeared. It's sad that there's not nearly the interest here at BB as there is over there. The debate here is enjoyable, though. Even though you and I disagree on Moore himself, I think we're in pretty solid agreement on Establishment clause issues. And I've also enjoyed the debates here with Johnv. There is something very satisfying to me about being able to have a strong debate over something I feel strongly about without it becoming a flame war, and I think all concerned here have done an excellent job. IIDB has a forum dedicated solely to church-state issues and I hope that the recent interest demonstrated here motivates some of the mods/admins to think about one here.
Thanks again for your kind comments.