From some notes I had from a former pastor:
1. The Royal Family Honor Code binds the strong & the weak believer together in a mutual system of advancing to maturity.
a. We are bound together in the Body of Christ which is a synonym of “The Royal Family”
b. We are bound together in order to advance to maturity and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.
c. This overshadows the differences of opinions between us in the area of non-essentials.
2. While tolerance to application is a function of the Honor Code, apathy or indifference to true Doctrine & inaccurate doctrine is not to be tolerated.
3. There may be a difference of application of Doctrine because of different stages of Christian Growth, but there is one Body of Essential Doctrine where variance becomes error & mis-interpretation becomes apostasy.
4. Our honor code demands rigid, inflexible adherence to the Essential Doctrines taught from God’s word.
a. Variation in application does not permit or give consent to variation of these essential truths.
b. That is Salvation, Grace and Christ return.
5. Learn to distinguish between Absolute Doctrine and the variation of application.
a. When you learn an Absolute Doctrine together with the application it is not always the same.
b. A mature believer will have accurate application
c. But should be tolerant of the weak believer’s inaccurate application.
d. This gives the weak believer the same opportunity of learning as the mature believer has had so that eventually Spiritual Fuel from will correct the application.
6. However, when a person is not consistent the soul standards cannot be changed and there will be no spiritual advance.
7. Variations of growth and different stages of ignorance do not change the Absolute Truth of God’s word.
a. Two believers can believe in the Absolutes such as:
1. The Deity of Christ,
2. Eternal security,
3. Attributes of God,
4. Baptism of the Holy Spirit
b. But differ in their attitude toward:
1. Working on Sunday,
2. Church Membership,
3. The applications of the ordinances
c. In the Body of Christ we may differ but we are bound together by spiritual Fuel Residing in our soul.
d. The Strong are to tolerate the weak & the weak are not to judge the Strong.
1. The Royal Family Honor Code binds the strong & the weak believer together in a mutual system of advancing to maturity.
a. We are bound together in the Body of Christ which is a synonym of “The Royal Family”
b. We are bound together in order to advance to maturity and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.
c. This overshadows the differences of opinions between us in the area of non-essentials.
2. While tolerance to application is a function of the Honor Code, apathy or indifference to true Doctrine & inaccurate doctrine is not to be tolerated.
3. There may be a difference of application of Doctrine because of different stages of Christian Growth, but there is one Body of Essential Doctrine where variance becomes error & mis-interpretation becomes apostasy.
4. Our honor code demands rigid, inflexible adherence to the Essential Doctrines taught from God’s word.
a. Variation in application does not permit or give consent to variation of these essential truths.
b. That is Salvation, Grace and Christ return.
5. Learn to distinguish between Absolute Doctrine and the variation of application.
a. When you learn an Absolute Doctrine together with the application it is not always the same.
b. A mature believer will have accurate application
c. But should be tolerant of the weak believer’s inaccurate application.
d. This gives the weak believer the same opportunity of learning as the mature believer has had so that eventually Spiritual Fuel from will correct the application.
6. However, when a person is not consistent the soul standards cannot be changed and there will be no spiritual advance.
7. Variations of growth and different stages of ignorance do not change the Absolute Truth of God’s word.
a. Two believers can believe in the Absolutes such as:
1. The Deity of Christ,
2. Eternal security,
3. Attributes of God,
4. Baptism of the Holy Spirit
b. But differ in their attitude toward:
1. Working on Sunday,
2. Church Membership,
3. The applications of the ordinances
c. In the Body of Christ we may differ but we are bound together by spiritual Fuel Residing in our soul.
d. The Strong are to tolerate the weak & the weak are not to judge the Strong.