The very same man claiming to be a believer, a Baptist no less, has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar of deceptive acts ever since Iowa and his innuendo that Carson was leaving the campaign. He has misrepresented his challengers in speech after speech, but the television ad showing his competitor, Marco Rubio shaking hands with the snake, er, excuse me, President Obama, seems to show that Cruz is either desperate or just plain deceptive, and in my view, he is devious, and willing to say or do anything in order to win this nomination!
Do you think Cruz is just playing the game, or do you perceive his moves to discredit his challengers as being the kind of character flaws that would not make for a good leader of the free world???
The very same man claiming to be a believer, a Baptist no less, has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar of deceptive acts ever since Iowa and his innuendo that Carson was leaving the campaign. He has misrepresented his challengers in speech after speech, but the television ad showing his competitor, Marco Rubio shaking hands with the snake, er, excuse me, President Obama, seems to show that Cruz is either desperate or just plain deceptive, and in my view, he is devious, and willing to say or do anything in order to win this nomination!
Do you think Cruz is just playing the game, or do you perceive his moves to discredit his challengers as being the kind of character flaws that would not make for a good leader of the free world???