Maybe you haven't heard : Karl Rove hates Donald Trump.Yall better stop listening to Karl Rove-ish pontificators.
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Maybe you haven't heard : Karl Rove hates Donald Trump.Yall better stop listening to Karl Rove-ish pontificators.
You should see her without makeup! Cringe!Hillary scares me to death..
Trump is projected to win 6 states. The people are fed up.
In Minnesota. Woo hoo!!!Rubio thumped by Trump tonight.![]()
Rubio thumped by Trump tonight.![]()
Alaska's not been called yet but will almost certainly go to Trump, which after Vermont adds up to 8 states.
IMO, Thursday's debate is going to be really ugly but just a preview of what the Dems are going to do to him. If he weathers it all....I don't know, if I had that many skeletons in my closet I probably wouldn't be able to show my face, much less run for public office and stand in a debate and defend my bad deeds. It boggles my mind....probably the bottom line is he's no more corrupt than those accusing him.
IMO, Thursday's debate is going to be real ugly but just a preview of what the Dems are going to do to him. If he weathers it all....I don't know, if I had that many skeletons in my closet I probably wouldn't be able to show my face, much less run for public office and stand in a debate and defend my bad deeds.
It will be ugly because Megyn Kelly is chairing the panel, and we know she has a hidden agenda against Trump. Has anyone else noticed that the spelling of Kelly's first name is very feminine? MeGYN???
Oh my goodness! How was she wrong by asking Trump about all of his trash talk on women? Of course now we know it isn't a "women" thing, Trump just has a trash mouth and will make vile comments about men just the same, but of course he is a Christian and LOVES the bible.It will be ugly because Megyn Kelly is chairing the panel, and we know she has a hidden agenda against Trump. Has anyone else noticed that the spelling of Kelly's first name is very feminine? MeGYN??? I think she ticked off Kasich in an interview last week, and Carson too, so it will be interesting as she loves Rubio and pushes to lift him up through innuendos towards the others! She is the most underhanded journalist I have seen in a long time.
Sure Trump was wrong in the first debate, so was she. And like Trump, Kelly is carrying a grudge forward! Like they say, nothing is worse than a woman scorned! Donald should know this! Devilish
So what are all of you Trump supporters going to say and do when the media finally turns on Trump ...?
Just WOW! You and DOnald Trump are obviously cut from the same cloth.
and what will all the Anti-Trump people are going to say when Trump takes the oath of office in Jan 2017
Oh my goodness! How was she wrong by asking Trump about all of his trash talk on women? Of course now we know it isn't a "women" thing, Trump just has a trash mouth and will make vile comments about men just the same, but of course he is a Christian and LOVES the bible.
We know Kelly must be doing something right if she is irritating folks by asking the tough questions, something most media are afraid to do. Trump would have loved Larry King asking him questions....."if you were a tree Donald, what kind of tree would you be?"