If you don't get baptized, you don't receive remission of sin.
If you do get baptized, you do.
That's earning, IMO. Baptism=salvation.
Hmmm...unless you believe in a universal redemption or are a hardcore monergist Calvinist, then you must agree that some form of response to grace is required in order to be saved. Now we can argue till the cows come home about whether that response is to have faith in Christ and His atoning work, or to partake in the sacraments, or some combination of the two, but the fact remains that human response to grace is needed. Naaman's healing was free (as witness the rebuff of his attempts to pay for it, Gehazi's deceit notwithstanding), but he still had to dunk himself in the water for it to happen (what a marvellous antetype of baptism that is!).