There are a lot of young ministers who feel "challenged" to be "appropriate" in their leisure time. I remember as a young pastor playing softball on our city team. Every team in the league was for a city but sponsored by a bar. Ours was self-funded, though after a game our team (except me) would all break out a keg. This hobby actual was brought up at a church business meeting for "clarification" by someone weaned on dill pickle juice.
But for nearly 50 years I have been "careful" about what I do for "fun" in my hobbies, NOT bringing reproach on the Lord or His Church I pastored. Think I've had a few that made people jealous and others that made them scratch their heads over "that crazy preacher".
SO . . . what do YOU do as a hobby, for fun or just leisure activities? AND have you ever had your actions questions?
Pix - 1963 became a Civil War Re-enactor. Difficult when pastoring to be gone over weekend events or battles; but some years I was a college dean/prof without weekend preaching and others as state mission where I could schedule time back at Gettysburg, Shiloh or Antietam.
But for nearly 50 years I have been "careful" about what I do for "fun" in my hobbies, NOT bringing reproach on the Lord or His Church I pastored. Think I've had a few that made people jealous and others that made them scratch their heads over "that crazy preacher".
SO . . . what do YOU do as a hobby, for fun or just leisure activities? AND have you ever had your actions questions?
Pix - 1963 became a Civil War Re-enactor. Difficult when pastoring to be gone over weekend events or battles; but some years I was a college dean/prof without weekend preaching and others as state mission where I could schedule time back at Gettysburg, Shiloh or Antietam.