While looking at word change statistics on Robert Slowley's website, I happened to notice that the NIV went from 69 uses of the word "saints" in 1984 to zero uses in 2011. I found that intriguing. I went on Bible Gateway and checked other versions (not all of them, though, but including Wycliffe, Geneva, KJV, ASV, RSV, NASB, CSB, LEB). Many common Bible versions, old & new, have 60 to 100 verses with the word saint or saints, while I found that the NIV and NLT have no instances. So it seems the NLT may be the only other newer Bible to go that direction. These two have several words, such as holy ones, holy people, God's people, and others.
What do you think of this change, and why do you think it was made?
What do you think of this change, and why do you think it was made?