instead of attacking my character why don't you point out ONE thing wrong with my portrayal.
Speaking for myself, I'm not going to resort to those sorts of things, Utilyan...
The Lord commands me to love my neighbor, even if that neighbor wants me dead.
As for pointing out ONE thing wrong with your portrayal, I think I just did.
To me, you don't understand God's word... which means you don't understand His mercy and grace, His holiness and His wrath, nor His righteousness and perfect judgment of men;
Which means you make statements out of anger or seeking to provoke a response that you can then use to condemn people with, instead of thoughtful contemplation of the very words on the page that are being presented to you.
What I sincerely hope for, is that I am wrong about the above.
Incidentally, I've done similar things
for much of my life... so as I see it, if what I've stated is true, then there's hope for
both of us.
I get the impression you are frustrated because the description is accurate rather than false.
With respect,
I get the impression that you are enjoying yourself
every time you post something that those you call "Calvinists" take exception to.
Perhaps I'm wrong and there's something being lost in the "translation".
But if I'm correct, here's an admonition for you...
Stop making statements like you did in post # 2, knowing that you might get an angry response in return.
Instead, try practicing what God's word tells us...
Treat everyone
well, don't speak evil of men, and don't intentionally post things you know might be insulting or destructive.
I know that I, for one, would very much appreciate it.
I promise to do the same, even if I'm not perfect about its execution.
From my perspective, the description you provided couldn't be further from the truth.
The true one is all in His word...every bit of what you appear, to me, to dismiss out-of-hand.
The Scriptures have been provided time and again in many threads...even since I've been on this forum... but for some reason you keep objecting to them, as if "Calvinists" are mis-interpreting them.
That's fine, and you have the right to disagree.
However, if you're ever unclear about anything that the Bible teaches on how and why God saves anyone, I'll be more than happy to go over whatever you'd like to cover in a new thread.
I'll also post various passages, highlighting the very words themselves to show you
exactly where I get the doctrines from.
I wish you well, and I bid you a good evening.