John Bunyan...
1. Uneducated - As a tradesman he was considered a tinker
2. Ana-Baptist - In his works he considers himself an Ana-Baptist
3. Persecuted and locked up - Would spend much time behind bars
The Pilgrims Progress Methods of a full salvation... In which the witness of the Spirit is picked up at the Porter's House. And how I would teach the doctrine....
1. Salvation - As the Christian leaves the City of Destruction and makes his way to the Celestial City.
2. Sanctification - At the interpreter's house
3. The Witness of the Spirit - At the porter's house
The City of Destruction The place where evangelists set people on their journey to the Celestial City
The Slough of Despair This represents the mire that well intentioned religious people bring to the way
Legalities Mountain The enemy attempt to indoctrinate pilgrims with doctrine designed to inhibit spiritual light
Plain of Instruction The evangelist sets the pilgrim on the right direction from the Mr. Worldly Wiseman
The Wicket Gate The sinners prayer. Salvation.... The pilgrim now enters into the Lords country
The Interpreters House This is a time of instruction where caring people instruct and disciple. Sanctification.
The Cross - Well discipled Christian now catches the sight of the cross and receives spiritual blessings.
Porters House The journey to a higher place where one receives the witness of the spirit.
Valley of Humiliation Time for some trials and testing!
Valley of the Shadow of Death Time to overcome the wicked one!
Vanity Fair Disciplined and proven Christians now witness to their present world.
Doubting Castle Christians choose path that takes them down to the terrible giant despair.
Lucre Mountain Temptations of material goods
Demas Silver Mines Represents those trapped by their material possessions and come to a place of all work.
Delectable Mountains Represents revival and a season of refreshing
An Entangling Net The flatterers will try to flatter pilgrims unto a place of high minded spiritual bondage
Enchanted Ground ground to a sound spiritual sleep!
Beulah Land Experienced Christian faith, hope, and charity that shine brightly night and day!
Great River The river flows through various places in the Pilgrims Progress and represents death.
Final Destination After crossing the river, either the Celestial City or the Underworld Which will it be?
1. Uneducated - As a tradesman he was considered a tinker
2. Ana-Baptist - In his works he considers himself an Ana-Baptist
3. Persecuted and locked up - Would spend much time behind bars
The Pilgrims Progress Methods of a full salvation... In which the witness of the Spirit is picked up at the Porter's House. And how I would teach the doctrine....
1. Salvation - As the Christian leaves the City of Destruction and makes his way to the Celestial City.
2. Sanctification - At the interpreter's house
3. The Witness of the Spirit - At the porter's house
The City of Destruction The place where evangelists set people on their journey to the Celestial City
The Slough of Despair This represents the mire that well intentioned religious people bring to the way
Legalities Mountain The enemy attempt to indoctrinate pilgrims with doctrine designed to inhibit spiritual light
Plain of Instruction The evangelist sets the pilgrim on the right direction from the Mr. Worldly Wiseman
The Wicket Gate The sinners prayer. Salvation.... The pilgrim now enters into the Lords country
The Interpreters House This is a time of instruction where caring people instruct and disciple. Sanctification.
The Cross - Well discipled Christian now catches the sight of the cross and receives spiritual blessings.
Porters House The journey to a higher place where one receives the witness of the spirit.
Valley of Humiliation Time for some trials and testing!
Valley of the Shadow of Death Time to overcome the wicked one!
Vanity Fair Disciplined and proven Christians now witness to their present world.
Doubting Castle Christians choose path that takes them down to the terrible giant despair.
Lucre Mountain Temptations of material goods
Demas Silver Mines Represents those trapped by their material possessions and come to a place of all work.
Delectable Mountains Represents revival and a season of refreshing
An Entangling Net The flatterers will try to flatter pilgrims unto a place of high minded spiritual bondage
Enchanted Ground ground to a sound spiritual sleep!
Beulah Land Experienced Christian faith, hope, and charity that shine brightly night and day!
Great River The river flows through various places in the Pilgrims Progress and represents death.
Final Destination After crossing the river, either the Celestial City or the Underworld Which will it be?