LeBuick said:
And you know Colin is a racist, how???
I don't recall him citing race as being a reason he is endorsing Obama, why do you doubt his statement?
The poster did not call Colin Powell a racist. He said that Colin Powell had sold out to his race. There is a huge difference between those two statements.
When Colin Powell endorsed BHO he stated his reasons as being:
I think he is a transformational figure. He is a new generation coming into the world--onto the world stage, onto the American stage, and for that reason I'll be voting for Senator Barack Obama.
Powell sees BHO as a "transformational figure" and a "new generation coming into the world--onto the world stage, onto the American stage."
So what is it that is different, transformational, and new about BHO? Wait before answering that let's ask another question about the political candidates that Colin Powell has endorse in the past. How many weak inexperienced liberal white candidates has Powell endorsed in the past? Answer zero, none, not one.
Now let's go back and answer that other question. What is it that is different, transformational, and new about BHO with respect to the other political candidates that Powell has endorsed in the past? Well, BHO is a weak, inexperienced liberal black candidate. Powell also pointed out that the election of BHO would be historic. What makes it historic? BHO, if elected, would be the first black man elected to be POTUS. So Powell can thorw up all the window dressing he wants, but his own words expose the real reason driving his endorsement. BHO a weak, inexperienced, liberal is a transformational, new, and history making candidate because, if elected, he will be the first black man to hold the office of POTUS.