"And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen." Rom.16:20
1. Written around AD 55 by an inspired apostle.
2. Written to actual people in the 1st century. ("your")
3. "Shortly" ("en tachei") means "soon", "without delay".
So...when did this happen?
Was he inspirationally mistaken?
Was he lying to us to keep Christians on their eschatological toes?
When did Satan get "crushed" "shortly" after AD 55?
1. Written around AD 55 by an inspired apostle.
2. Written to actual people in the 1st century. ("your")
3. "Shortly" ("en tachei") means "soon", "without delay".
So...when did this happen?
Was he inspirationally mistaken?
Was he lying to us to keep Christians on their eschatological toes?
When did Satan get "crushed" "shortly" after AD 55?