Dear Friend,
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your lifelong companion. I am glad our Lovely Lord Christ is using you. I know your prayer is the same as mine--"to finish well!" You are on the road for sure.
Do you really think that SATS might want an old DMin warhorse like me. Maybe the publishing might help me to snag a job? Let me know what you think along these lines and whom I may contact and I will surely look into it.
Right now I have just taken on a new mentee for Columbia Evangelical Seminary and we are working out the details of his degree.
I am still in the classroom teaching Speech and all of the Religion courses at my little college. And my pastor and I have just released what is my fourth volume, it is on Bunyan.
I will be teaching Intro to Christian Ethics for a local university in March. I have two conference address on John A. Broadus to give in St. Louis in February.
Three years ago I helped found a publishing company--BorderStone Press, LLC. Last year alone as Acquisitions Editor I had to read, critique, and edit I estimate about 100 manuscripts. So I am very busy. But that deal at SATS really intrigues me. Let me know a contact person there.
I have always considered you a "scholar and a Christian gentleman!" and my friend.
"That is all!" :wavey:
Thanks for your condolences. Jan died a year ago yesterday. I miss her a lot!
I am so happy that you are being well used in teaching and writing.
I cannot speak for SATS, but I've always thought of your academic qualifications (and personal) as impeccable, and I was thinking, who better to supervise DMin work than a DMin? You might contact Kevin Smith, the VP at: If you like mention me.
Very best wishes,
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