Many on this board insist that in order for a person to be eternally saved that person must know and believe in Christ and obey the gospel. One quoted plenty of Scriptures to back up this insistence on knowledge and obedience as prerequisites to the efficacy of the blood of Christ, shed both figuratively and literally, from the foundation of the world, and at the cross of Calvary 3000 years ago.
Yet, these same individuals will pounce on anyone who might have the temerity to say that obedience to the law and good works are likewise requirements to the eternal salvation of souls, and will insist that grace is unmerited favor.
For the record, I stand for neither knowledge of, and obedience to, the gospel nor good works and the law in regards to eternal salvation.
Knowledge of and obedience to the gospel is clearly commanded by the Bible, without a doubt, but NOT UNTO ETERNAL SALVATION, but rather, to salvation from dead works and idols. Knowledge and obedience are fruits of preaching and teaching to a regenerate soul.
The Lord Jesus sent out His apostles, commanding them to PREACH and TEACH, and to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and uncontestably said that those who obey and are baptized shall be saved.
One man on this board asked with regards to a statement made by Oprah, “faith in what ?”, and so I ask, “saved from what ?”. Here is the Word Himself, who created Heaven and earth and all things in them simply by speaking, and there is no God like Him for there is and was no one before Him, full of wisdom and purpose and the only truly Holy Uncreated Being in the entire cosmos and all other cosmoses, and shall He leave something He purposed incomplete ?
Didn’t He just rise from the dead ?
Didn’t He, just three days prior, accept the bitter cup from His Father and experienced the mockery and insults and pain inflicted on Him by the Roman whip and the devil-whipped crowd ?
Doesn’t the Scripture state in no uncertain terms that “He shall save His people from their sins” and didn’t He just cry out on that cross, “IT IS FINISHED” ?
Aren’t we to understand that He finished what He came to do ?
Didn’t the writer of Hebrews state that “by His own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us” and that with one sacrifice he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified?
Obviously, Jesus Christ being the very Word by which the Heavens and the Earth created, would not now turn around and do a DUNCE act which is that of assigning the completion of the task for which His Father bore the painful sight of His Son dangling on the cross to mere human knowledge and frail obedience, would he ?
Nor to the non-ability of those with Him on that mount to be everywhere and anywhere at all times which God in the Person of the Holy Spirit is able to do, would He ?
So, saved from what ?
If Christ already accomplished what He came to do, full, complete, nothing wanting, then what else will they be saved from, in accordance to His statement on the mount ?
Yet, these same individuals will pounce on anyone who might have the temerity to say that obedience to the law and good works are likewise requirements to the eternal salvation of souls, and will insist that grace is unmerited favor.
For the record, I stand for neither knowledge of, and obedience to, the gospel nor good works and the law in regards to eternal salvation.
Knowledge of and obedience to the gospel is clearly commanded by the Bible, without a doubt, but NOT UNTO ETERNAL SALVATION, but rather, to salvation from dead works and idols. Knowledge and obedience are fruits of preaching and teaching to a regenerate soul.
The Lord Jesus sent out His apostles, commanding them to PREACH and TEACH, and to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and uncontestably said that those who obey and are baptized shall be saved.
One man on this board asked with regards to a statement made by Oprah, “faith in what ?”, and so I ask, “saved from what ?”. Here is the Word Himself, who created Heaven and earth and all things in them simply by speaking, and there is no God like Him for there is and was no one before Him, full of wisdom and purpose and the only truly Holy Uncreated Being in the entire cosmos and all other cosmoses, and shall He leave something He purposed incomplete ?
Didn’t He just rise from the dead ?
Didn’t He, just three days prior, accept the bitter cup from His Father and experienced the mockery and insults and pain inflicted on Him by the Roman whip and the devil-whipped crowd ?
Doesn’t the Scripture state in no uncertain terms that “He shall save His people from their sins” and didn’t He just cry out on that cross, “IT IS FINISHED” ?
Aren’t we to understand that He finished what He came to do ?
Didn’t the writer of Hebrews state that “by His own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us” and that with one sacrifice he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified?
Obviously, Jesus Christ being the very Word by which the Heavens and the Earth created, would not now turn around and do a DUNCE act which is that of assigning the completion of the task for which His Father bore the painful sight of His Son dangling on the cross to mere human knowledge and frail obedience, would he ?
Nor to the non-ability of those with Him on that mount to be everywhere and anywhere at all times which God in the Person of the Holy Spirit is able to do, would He ?
So, saved from what ?
If Christ already accomplished what He came to do, full, complete, nothing wanting, then what else will they be saved from, in accordance to His statement on the mount ?
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