Or maybe I understand Calvinism better than you do and see your aversion to having a revival meeting to be stereotypical of that belief. Thus, exposing your statement of this not being a "Calvinist/Arminian issue...." as contradictory.
To me, it has nothing to do with what you call, "Calvinism", Benjamin.
It has everything to do with God's every word.
I've been studying it for a fair amount of time now, and I don't see any such animal as modern day "revival" anywhere in the epistles, and anywhere in the New Testament.
If you find references to what is contained in the above articles being performed in the churches, please list them.
Secondly, God's children don't need "revivals", they need correction from God's word and instruction in righteousness, as well as solid time in the words of their Saviour.
To me, "revivals" are strictly an invention of men, not God.
They utilize emotionally manipulative techniques in order to get the target audience to do something that the preacher wants them to do...
Usually, it's to "make a decision for Christ", or to "re-dedicate their lives to Christ" as I often experienced in "Traditionalist" circles.
In the case of the Baptist churches I grew up in, they
always used "Finneyism" in order to get people to come to the front and make decisions...
They never simply preached the word of God and waited to see if what
that did had any effect...
Instead, we always sang "Just As I Am" for several stanzas during the invitation, while the preacher made impassioned pleas for people to come forward for various reasons..
The Holy Spirit works differently than all that...
He works, the person becomes sober, quiet, and listens intently.
There is no excitement, there is no hopping up and down and running around bumping into things and shouting...
The words of God hit square between the eyes, make the person sit up and glue themselves to them.
For example, when the Lord showed me the reality of my sin and what I was before Him, nothing like what I later experienced in the Baptist churches I was a member of,
ever matched the stark clarity and sobriety that I experienced when I simply sat and listened intently to His words.
I can only conclude that, as the Bible describes, the person who "hears" those words knows without a doubt that they are indeed God's words, and they are directed at them ( John 8:47 ).
Have you ever had that happen to you, Benjamin?
Has God ever
really gotten a hold of you through
His word, and it wasn't all "warm and fuzzy", but it scared the stuffing out of you?
I have.
I call it " the spotlight of Scripture"...
and it's very bright.
It showed me who I am before a holy God...
A sinner in desperate need of a Saviour.
It also tells me what He did for me...
He sent His Son to die for me, that I might know Him.
I praise Him for bothering with a worthless idiot like me...
Because without Him having sat me down in front of a preacher of His word, I would have never sought Him out ( Romans 3:10-20 ).
I was having too much fun as a 12 year old kid in 1970's America.
May the Lord bless you in your life, and may He be pleased to show you many important truths in His precious word.