It is ironic that you accuse me of ignoring the passage in Acts 10, yet you admitt that this passages doe not proclaim salvation by faith alone, yet you insist that salvation is by faith alone and you keep pointing at this passage as if it helps you to establish that position.
I do not accuse you of ignoring that passage; quite the contrary, you have been very aggressive in trying to divert attention from the passage.
I never said I teach salvation by faith alone. I do not like that term. While the position well-explained is true, it gets misunderstood too often for my liking, and the Bible does not teach it that way.
I teach what the Scriptures teach. Acts 10:43 says "every one that believeth on him |receives| remission of sins" (ASV|ESV|ASV).
As that is what Scripture teaches, that is what I teach.
I simply refer to the passage because your position is contrary to it. You deny that believers on Jesus Christ will receive remission of sins if for some reason they are not baptized. In other words, bluntly, `Not everyone that believeth on him receives remission of sins.'
My goal is simply to keep people from being convinced into views which are contra-Scriptural. That is especially the case when a contra-Scriptural view can and does have great harm on the church and its people.
It will not be me who accuses you of denying plain bible truth about the purpose of baptism, it will be God.
Not according to what I read in His Word.
I am very comfortable with my position on baptism's role in salvation in light of Scripture.
It amazes me that you can have hundreds of different views on salvation and how one comes to it and all still be of the one true church.
I would love to see all the baptist denominations and all the Lutheran denominations and methodists and catholic and presbyterian and church of God and all the evangelical's who claim to the one true church and see them come together from now on and worship and fellowship and have bible study together and to take all their differing confessions of faith and unit them if indeed you are all part of the one true church.
We however know better than that because it would not last a month before division would begin just as it did to begin with.
How many divided Baptist churches are there?
If the church is the savd people from the denominations then Christ is indeed divided. I do not see how John 17:23 fits in this idea.
In fact many will say that we all agree yet one group sprinkles babies for the remission of sins (Lutherans) while another says it is not for the remission of sins but sprinkles them as a dedication. Baptist's say that it is just sign of salvation to those who believe, yet all other who sprinkle babies are your brethren, yet you cannot even agree on that issue.
Do the baptist's call out on the Lutherans like they do the church of Christ for teaching the essentiality of baptism?
I do not know if you are talking to me or to everyone.
It looks like you are upset and just want to start bashing groups. I am sorry that you feel that way.
I can tell you that pointing out that all church groups disagree does not prove that we should all go join the Churches of Christ.
No one is going after the Lutheran position because no Lutheran is over here trying to push Lutheran precepts or get us to join a Lutheran church group.
You would find out that if you stopped pushing the Churches of Christ and/or their precepts, you would find that Church of Christ precepts do not get as much of a `bulls-eye.'
Where is the unity in your diversity on Bible?
While you chastise those who point to plain scripture for authority for positions clearly seen, you leave alone those who you claim fellowship with who infuse babies for two different reasons which cannot be held by scripture.
Division is sin, if you are divided with your Brethren then they are not your Brethren. So how about all your Baptist brethren who you do not agree with.
This is an easy one for me.
I owe the Churches of Christ for this one, ironically. As an atheist, I always heard from the pulpit about how we should examine every position in the light of Scripture. The challenge: `Assume nothing because someone said so; examine everything in Scripture, then and only then accept it.' While not always practiced, it is a nice ideal.
When I became a Christian I took that approach. Ultimately, it brought me to reconsider the centuries-old tradition that disagreement requires division. I found out that Scripture most certainly does not teach that.
To disagree and to divide are two different things. Many people assume that they are the same. They are not. It is in our carnal flesh to want to divide due to others disagreeing with us. It is the call of Scripture to resist those urges.
Many people see such passages that prohibit divisions as saying `Agree with each other,' or more commonly, `Agree with me.' Many people see such passages as Ephesians 4:2-3 as saying `Strive to stay agreed with each other on a whole bunch of religious opinions.'
No; passages that prohibit division prohibit exactly that: we are to refrain from acts of dividing. Likewise, passages that call us to strive to maintain unity do not have an `agreement exemption.' They mean what they say and precisely what they say.
I could say a lot more. My church unity study is presently 292 pages.
One thing that needs addressed: Christ is not divided. We might like to think that we can exclude from the Lord's church based on whom we choose to accept or reject, but we cannot. It is not our church; it is the Lord's church. Our groupings do not change anything. There is only one church. Everyone that believes on Him is added by Him to His one church -- Acts 2:47. All Christians are put by Him into one church, and are in one church, whether we want to accept it or not.
How can I maintain fellowship with Baptists, Methodists, Christians in the Churches of Christ, etc.? Simple: I do not give in to the carnal urge to divide from those whom I disagree with. I remember that those people serve the same Jesus Christ that I do. When we remember that we are all in this to serve Jesus Christ, it becomes pretty easy to agree to disagree enough to do what needs done.
I hope you have a better day.