The word "might" does not mean what you say at all. All a person has to do is look in a concordance...
There is not one word expressing doubt here as you suggest.
Nice try though.
Thank you for proving that the verse shows no doubt.
Yet, throughout the very core of the Arminian scheme is that very problem - the problem of doubt.
The SBC Arminian doesn't really offer eternal security except they join to the Calvinistic view of the perseverance of the believers. This they call "once saved, always saved."
The SBC Arminian doesn't really differ from the Calvinistic view of limited atonement other than by the degree of the limit atonement is applied.
The SBC Arminian doesn't really differ from the Calvinistic view of grace being irresistible. Rather, they would divide the unmerited favor of God into pieces and labels, but it is still the grace of God that brings the unregenerate to being regenerate.
The SBC Arminian doesn't really differ from the Calvinistic view of election. As John R. Rice (who attempted to refute extreme Calvinistic thinking) would state, the gate of salvation has on one side "whosoever will" and on the other side "chosen in Him before the foundations of the world."
The SBC Arminian does NOT agree with the Calvinistic view of the unregenerate being totally unregenerate, and does consider that each person can "take a step toward God" as I heard Dr. Criswell's announcer often say of some decisions.
What seems to have taken place generally in the SBC in previous decades is, in an attempt to remove some of the "sting" of the Calvinistic view, the typical Billy Graham types have endorsed a moderated Calvinistic view and labeled it Arminian when it was never truly Arminian at the core.
Now there is somewhat of a moving of the goal posts and certain folks don't like the way the game is being called. So, they want the home field advantage not realizing they don't have any greater authority over the title and land rights than who they oppose.