Romans 10 has your answer.
Paul says "9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."
And of course ...
Christ died 2000 years ago. "Once for All".
as the "Atoning Sacrifice for OUR sins and NOT for OUR sins only but for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD" 1John 2:2
As the Protestants reminded the papacy "Bible avoidance is not the global solution you appear to have imagined".
The problem is that you stated "free will" allows us to choose Bible avoidance. First of all, why would a Christian, saved by grace through faith (which is the only way to salvation, despite your denominations insistence on a works salvation) want to practice Bible avoidance? The problem with your term "free will" is that you are using it to build on your premise that we can lose our salvation by our various daily actions, which, by the way, you never explained what those actions are. Free will for a person without Christ merely means the freedom to choose amongst various degrees of ungodly choices. So for the unsaved person, all choices are Bible avoidance.
For the saved person, why would the new nature allow for Bible avoidance? Yes, Christians do stray from the Lord, but He brings them back into a right relationship with Him, by any means He deems. Again, since you fail to define the parameters that allow for the loss of salvation, it is impossible to answer your ideas. This we do know. There are only two states. If one is saved, God will take whatever action necessary to make him or her more like Jesus each day. If God does not, he or her is not saved. Slipping in and out of a line of salvation for an entire life span is a myth.
As far as your quote from Protestants to the Papacy, what does that have to do with eternal security? Both the RCC and the SDA teach a works gospel, so your entire church is built on Bible avoidance.
You are always talking against the RCC, but in the final analysis, both the SDA and the RCC reject salvation by grace through faith, so what is the difference? Also, since you brought up the RCC, which of the three models does the SDA fall under?
Catholic: visible, universal church
Protestant: invisible, universal church
Baptist: visible, local, autonomous church